Smart phone displaying a roulette table
Research |
New study finds no causal relationship between Internet use and problem gambling.
Dolly Kelepecz using a Pilates reformer.
People |
This dance professor says UNLV is the one place she feels connected to in Las Vegas that has not been imploded.
Palm trees and U.N.L.V. banner
Research |
Call it watering the green spots. UNLV’s Faculty Opportunity Awards program provides seed funding for faculty researchers with promising ideas and a desire to pursue additional funding from government agencies, foundations, or private industry. The program has supported a wide variety of campus research projects involving multidisciplinary teams, single investigators, and other faculty working to develop intellectual property.
Palm trees and U.N.L.V. banner
Research |
For more than 30 years, U.S. universities have had the right to commercialize discoveries made through faculty research funded by the federal government. For a time, few universities made much of the opportunity. But today, as funding support for higher education is increasingly imperiled, marketing great ideas has never been more popular --- or more crucial. Three UNLV projects show how research benefits the university, the business community, and you.
Photo of Steve Rowland with microscope.
Research |
Supercomputing on campus; cosmic radiation and a mission to Mars; a grant to help at-risk kids; Bluetooth boosts blood-flow sensing; high marks for grad programs; a plentiful mineral from space; hard-to-find soft fossils; climate challenges; the public weighs in on drones; and preserving Nevada’s old newspapers.
Business and Community |
Under guidance of former gaming executive, student inventors are developing and patenting technologies to ensure Las Vegas doesn't lose as the industry leader.
Fat cells in a normal fly
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An annual accounting of research and economic development activity over the last fiscal year.
Palm trees and U.N.L.V. banner
Research |
Faculty authors explore our place in the universe, Gandhi and his mentors, a small city’s civil rights struggle, and more.
Palm trees and U.N.L.V. banner
Research |
During the past decade, UNLV’s Schools of Allied Health Sciences and Nursing have expanded their research programs and boosted collaboration among faculty investigators in support of the university’s vision of becoming a major research institution. The following profiles demonstrate the diversity and depth of the two schools’ research projects.
Portrait of Dr. Barbara Atkinson
Research |
What will a medical school bring to UNLV research and discovery?
Portrait of Richard Wiley
Research |
UNLV English professor Richard Wiley offers insight into the inspiration and writing process for his newest novel.
Paul Taylor
Arts and Culture |
The music of UNLV alumnus and contemporary urban jazz saxophonist Paul Taylor is instantly identifiable with infectious melodies and a deeply soulful and rhythmic trip-hop influenced sound.