Rebecca Benfield
People |
This administrator says the array of opportunities available to nurses today — including research and health care policy work — provides nearly limitless career advancement potential.
Stacey Tovino
Business and Community |
Boyd School of Law professor Stacey Tovino on what you need to know about advanced directives.
Logo for Playwrights Festival
Arts and Culture |
NCT's 'Organic, Home Grown Playwright’s Festival' on March 19 in the Paul Harris Theatre is free.
It's not overstatement to say that the Anthony and Lyndy Marnell III Baseball Clubhouse rivals that any on a college campus. The two-story complex totals 10,000 square feet and includes coaches offices, a players lounge, an academic area, a team locker room as well as training and equipment areas on the first level. 
Athletics |
Go behind the scenes in the new Anthony and Lyndy Marnell III Baseball Clubhouse.
Patrick Duffy, Danielle Kelly, Hugh Taylor, Marlena Shaw, and Johnny Thompson
Arts and Culture |
Also being recognized are Dean's Medal recipient Patrick Duffy, and College of Fine Arts Alumnus of the Year, Danielle Kelly ('07).
Len Jessup speaks with microphone
Campus News |
UNLV President Len Jessup on community partnerships.
Nikki Troxclair
People |
Choosing a career in the fast-paced communications field perhaps wasn't a surprising move for this associate VP who learned to skate before she could walk.
Lawrence Walker
People |
An internationally recognized plant ecologist, Walker becomes the second consecutive UNLV professor to win the Nevada Regents' Researcher Award.
Elisabeth Hausrath
People |
Geoscience professor Elisabeth (Libby) Hausrath honored for early career accomplishments; research focuses on geochemistry, chemical interactions and soil-forming processes on Mars.
Andre Wilsenach
Campus News |
International gaming control chief tapped to lead new initiative, which will offer first-of-its-kind research and education programs for gaming regulators worldwide.
subUrbia poster
Arts and Culture |
Tickets to this production in the Black Box Theatre are $16.50. UNLV students receive one free ticket with valid UNLV ID.
Nemanja Novokovic
People |
A nearly native Las Vegan, Nemanja Novakovic had planned to leave Nevada when it came time for college. But that was before he discovered his academic dreams could be fulfilled at UNLV.