Aldo Perrelli as Rodolfo and Kathryn Martinson as Mimi.
Arts and Culture |
UNLV Opera is joined by the UNLV Symphony Orchestra and the Greenspun Junior High School chorus.
Polish Baltic Philharmonic group shot
Arts and Culture |
The concert features pianist Marcin Koziak, artistic director Ernst Van Tiel, and principal guest conductor Boguslaw Davidow.
Jessica Knurick
People |
She studied finance as an undergrad while playing basketball, but an intense interest in nutrition as a means to improve her game created a path toward her current profession.
teenage male, sitting in a dark hallway, holds his head in his hands
Research |
Vulnerable youth have a friend in Ramona Denby-Brinson, the 2015 Harry Reid Silver State Research Award winner.
doctor speaking a patient
Campus News |
How UNLV’s School of Medicine is ensuring its students transform into compassionate healers, ready to help patients face end-of-life decisions.
Diane Chase
People |
Chase, archaeologist and current vice provost at University of Central Florida, will take over as UNLV's chief academic officer May 1.
Cycles of Motion performance
Arts and Culture |
Performance brings together six diverse choreographers from around the world.
Bernajane Palisoc works in UNLV's neuropsychology lab with professor Daniel Allen
Research |
The new Office of Undergraduate Research helps students engage in and celebrate their research and creative activity.
Ashley Weckesser
People |
Ask this Grad College staff member to call out a military cadence and you might be surprised at the results.
movie posters
Arts and Culture |
Music professor Jonathan Lee on the birth of the Hollywood "Southern" — films and music that created the atmosphere of the South. Catch his University Forum talk Feb. 24.
Jessica Gandy
Campus News |
A tough job teaching troubled teens hasn't kept Jessica Gandy from pursuing her law degree.
Kenneth Czerwinski works with students in lab
Research |
Radiochemistry program teaming with universities, national labs for research and development in nuclear science and security; five-year grant funded by U.S. Department of Energy.