Nikki Davis
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Journalism student Nikki Davis was selected by an advertising organization as one of the 50 Most Promising Multicultural Students of 2016.
Doris Kearns Goodwin
Arts and Culture |
Free tickets to see presidential historian and Pulitzer Prize-winning author, Doris Kearns Goodwin present "Leadership Lessons from the White House." Tickets available April 16 for public; UNLV student/employee tickets available now.
Dr. Tony Alamo
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Dr. Tony Alamo’s wildly varied career started with a simple realization: He’d misdiagnosed UNLV.
Chris Heavey
Campus News |
Heavey is an accomplished psychologist, academic leader and longtime UNLV faculty member.
Sharolyn Pollard-Durodola
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Find out what inspired this Education College professor to focus her research on children, especially English language learners, who struggle to read.
Vice President Joe Biden and singer Lady Gaga brought the It's On Us campaign to a full crowd at the Thomas & Mack Center's Cox Pavilion on April 7, 2016. Hundreds of students took the pledge to help bring an end to sexual assault on college campuses.
Campus News |
Vice President Joe Biden and singer Lady Gaga brought the It's On Us campaign to a full crowd at the Thomas & Mack Center's Cox Pavilion on April 7, 2016. Hundreds of students took the pledge to help bring an end to sexual assault on college campuses.
Marquin Parks
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When Marquin Parks challenged his class to read more, he found his own voice as a writer. Now the College of Education alumnus has two book series under his belt.
Tanvi Patel collects a pollen sample
Business and Community |
The student who directs the UNLV/CCSD Pollen Monitoring Program dishes on allergy relief tips, common misconceptions about pollen, and why technology can’t replace the human eye.
students hold up a take back the night banner
Campus News |
Director of UNLV's Women's Center on the resources available to the campus community — no matter their gender identity or role.
podium and microphone at a Black Mountain Institute event
Arts and Culture |
Eight writers will promote discourse on today's most pressing issues through residencies at UNLV.
Alex Andres at Lego Land
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Alumnus Alex Andres combines lifelong love of Lego with training in theater design to land his dream job.
Boo Shan Tseng
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This Life Sciences professor is all about communities — from the bacterial ones she studies (yuck) to the UNLV community she is pleased to have joined.