American flag with a shadow of a person
Campus News |
Nine free public lectures are planned on campus to evoke conversation and facilitate understanding about the election process and related issues.
Kristen and Caitlyn Miller
People |
The twins plan to throw themselves into the full college experience.
Elizabeth Jost
People |
This senior admissions analyst takes both her job and her "geeky" hobbies seriously.
voting booths
Research |
​Political science professor John Tuman on how the Latino immigrant vote might mean more than ever to candidates this season.
Mediation training poster
Business and Community |
Learn how to de-escalate conflict through the UNLV Saltman Center mediation trainings.
gamblers at a casino
Arts and Culture |
German historian explores how Las Vegas achieved what cities around the world have not: true distinction as a gaming destination.
Perry Friedman holds poker chips
People |
Recent UNLV grad Perry Friedman is intent on sharing his good fortune with fellow Rebels.
A tour guide shows a group of students the campus
People |
We dropped in on a recent orientation event to ask a handful of incoming Rebels (and some of their parents) about why they chose UNLV. Here’s what they told us.
Ryan Francis presents his group's project
Research |
The office of undergraduate research helps UNLV students learn, grow, and shine.
The William S. Boyd School of Law building
Campus News |
The law school and its partners will help citizens trying to clean the slate by simplifying and shortening the criminal record sealing process.
Dr. Tanya Al-Talib
People |
Always placing patients first is this orthodontist's tip for success for anyone working in a health care field.
Scott Abella
Business and Community |
UNLV professor Scott Abella on why national parks matter more than ever to everyone from foodies to Civil War historians to the average Joe sitting in bumper-to-bumper traffic.