students and parents upacking boxes from cars
Campus News |
Back-to-school events to highlight UNLV campus traditions and student involvement, culminating with the president’s annual State of the University address Sept. 15.
shirt with School of Medicine logo
Campus News |
Building a curriculum from scratch is bringing innovative new approaches to teaching Nevada's future doctors.
silhouette of student walking on campus during sunset
Research |
Education professor Stefani Relles on how paying for a college education is progressively harder, especially for low-income and minority students.
Students peform a dance on stage
Campus News |
The featured speakers from UNLV Creates share their best advice with incoming students.
students talk in class
Campus News |
As the campus gears up to host the final presidential debate, UNLV professors are making direct connections between their course materials and this year's ground-breaking election season.
Chase Northrup with his mother Nancy
People |
A future aerospace engineer and son of UNLV alumni.
Emani Salih and her mother Charita Parrish
People |
A native Las Vegan on what her degree will mean to her family.
Merrill Landers works with balance testing equipment
Research |
Physical activity can help protect us from Parkinson’s, researcher Merrill Landers says.
U.S. and Nevada Flag
Business and Community |
​Political science professor Dan Lee on the seesaw nature of the Silver State.
Chris Tilman and his son Wyatt
People |
This political science major is a jazz lover and car buff.
Palm trees and U.N.L.V. banner
Campus News |
Nevada System of Higher Education, UNLV and UNR finalized an agreement to ensure Nevada’s two medical schools each has thriving clinical practice plan.
Mey Mey Heng
People |
A first-generation student, she hopes to pave the way for her immigrant family.