André Wilsenach and Jennifer Roberts
Business and Community |
Center helps regulators and policymakers understand current issues and is establishing best regulatory practices.
Biochemistry professor Ron Gary
Research |
Biochemist Ron Gary's enzyme research seeks to defeat cancer and Alzheimer's disease.
Homecoming royalty from 1976
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UNLV history professor Deirdre Clemente's newest book highlights a convergence of fashion and consumerism on college campuses.
Graphic of cart with lab coat, microscope, and books
Research |
Four UNLV researchers are studying what makes hotel and resort customers tick, then using that knowledge to help industry leaders better serve their patrons.
Desk with skulls and bones on it
Research |
Debra Martin, winner of the 2015 Harry Reid Silver State Research Award, reveals that the answers about our darkest impulses can sometimes be found within what remains.
Alexis Kennedy leans against a chain-linked fence with brick wall in the background
Research |
Last year, the Nevada attorney general’s office released statistics indicating that Las Vegas police recovered 2,229 victims of human trafficking since 1994.
Bo Bernhard speaks at a podium
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Bo Bernhard, executive director of the UNLV International Gaming Institute (IGI), recently joined Nevada Governor Brian Sandoval on his trade mission to Australia to sign a memo-randum of understanding with the University of Sydney.
woman jogging on indoor track
Research |
Smartwatches that help you track daily steps and heart rate? That’s old hat, according to UNLV researchers who have recently licensed their latest patent for a fitness tracker that makes calorie-counting as easy as taking a picture.
Professor of Chemistry Bryan Spangelo looks through vials in his lab
Research |
An annual accounting of research and economic development activity over the last fiscal year.
Dr. Carolyn Yucha
Research |
UNLV President, Dr. Len Jessup and Acting Vice President for Research and Economic Development, Dr. Carolyn Yucha welcomes UNLV Innovation readers to the Fall 2016 issue.
Chalkboard with many sketches
Research |
How does research reach beyond our campus?
Romney and Obama
Campus News |
The Presidential Debate Lecture Series presents a talk on debate performance and incumbency — and why that may still be a factor this year. Join the free talk Sept. 8.