Community Garden
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Connecting with the community will be an important part of school’s curriculum.
John Starkey
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John Starkey began his UNLV career as an undergraduate. Now that’s he’s earned two degrees, is happily working as a senior academic advisor, and has campus career goals in mind, he has no plans of leaving anytime soon.
Moot Court building
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The U.S. News & World Report list refers to the percentage of admitted students who actually choose to enroll into a law school.
Dawn Lantero
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This research administrator knows how to keep campus discovery moving forward.
Dr. Kate Zhong
Business and Community |
Dr. Kate Zhong, senior director of clinical research and development for the Cleveland Clinic Lou Ruvo Center for Brain Health, to address next generation of Nevada leaders June 9 at UNLV.
Valarie Burke and son Jace
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One of the Administrative Faculty Member of the Year Award winners, the Graduate College's Valarie Burke has been part of UNLV since arriving as an undergraduate 14 years ago.
Dan Lee
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As a political scientist who studies elections, Dan Lee is finding 2016 a particularly interesting year.
Dr. Stephen Dahlem draws on white board
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Forget the big lecture halls — UNLV's future doctors will begin their studies by working in groups to treat (paper) patients.
Brian Steen
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Brian Steen's skills aren't limited to those required by his wide-ranging campus duties as a human resources generalist. He's also your go-to guy if you're looking for someone to emcee a motivational meeting or craft creative imaginary pastries.
Nancy J. Uscher
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A renowned concert violist and experienced university administrator, Uscher comes to UNLV after five years as president of Seattle’s Cornish College of the Arts.
Betty Burston
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Marrying health care with pop culture, Betty Burston is revolutionizing the health care industry one “edutainment” project at a time.
commencement ceremony
Campus News |
Take a look at the excitement as 2,700 Rebels became new graduates.