Rendering of the Fertitta Football Complex
Athletics |
Will we get a new stadium? What about that new football practice facility?
Rita Asfour self portrait
Arts and Culture |
The event — featuring costumes, a panel discussion, and performance — is free and open to the public.
Homecoming Queen Corrin Sullivan and king Aviv Itzhaki
People |
The one-time UNLV homecoming queen returns to help build UNLV School of Medicine’s curriculum.
Sarah Winnemucca and Rutherford B. Hayes
Campus News |
Historian William Bauer chronicles the expeditions of American Indian leaders to Washington D.C. in a free public talk Oct. 5.
Vamsee Pamula
People |
When Vamsee Pamula, ’92 MS Electrical Engineering, sees chances to apply his big brain to business opportunities, he takes the leap. His latest venture is a daring moneymaker — and a potential life saver.
Henry Schuck
People |
UNLV grad capitalizes on the experiences he gained by working through college.
Benjamin, Jager, Samantha Bivins, and Ashleigh
People |
Volunteering hundreds of hours of service becomes a legacy for a single mom and her four children — the 2016 Honorary Rebel Family.
Joel Jimenez holds up his phone
People |
UNLV’s delegate to the national College Debate program hopes to influence the conversation that will happen among the presidential candidates on UNLV’s stage.
UNLV Jazz Ensemble performs on stage
Arts and Culture |
The new UNLV Jazz CD, "Extra Credit/Latin Journey II," will be available for purchase in the Judy Bayley Theatre lobby.
Brian Hedlund collects samples in grass at Lake Mead
Business and Community |
DuPont Industrial Biosciences will sponsor research conducted by UNLV microbiologist Brian Hedlund.
Lara Turello
Research |
Join the discussion at Research Week 2016, Oct. 3-7.
John F. Kennedy
Arts and Culture |
History professor Deirdre Clemente chronicles the increasingly casual nature of presidential fashion.