Kimberly Stewart
People |
A former student-athlete herself, Kimberly Stewart says she's proud to help UNLV's students achieve their academic goals.
Person listening to debate
Campus News |
Which lines from the Presidential Debate got the most response from students? Here's our ranking from tepid titters to guffaws with gusto.
Katelyn DiBenedetto holds an arrowhead
Research |
From finances to energy, health care, and more, UNLV graduate student researchers are asking important questions about America’s future.
Media and reporters at a Presidential Debate event.
Campus News |
We're still sorting through the thousands of photos our two photographers took during Debate Day. We'll share them in slideshows over the next couple of days. In the meantime, enjoy this quick snapshot of the day.
Close up photo of UNLV band member outside at a Presidential Debate event.
Campus News |
With CNN and MSNBC setting up stages along our academic malls, walking campus on Debate Day was a much different experience.
Trish Harrison and Elvis Rowe speak
Campus News |
And without OIT's Elvis Presley Rowe, the thousands of journalists who descended on campus wouldn't have had networking services.
Nadia Basich conducts an interview
Campus News |
As cable networks set up shop on UNLV's campus for the debate, their outreach teams invited students to become part of their operations.
School of Medicine academic building rendering
Campus News |
The first allopathic medical school in the Las Vegas Valley was noted for its innovative curriculum, experienced leadership team, and comprehensive faculty development plan.
Campus News |
Professor Michael Green offers a history lesson in how to say the state's name.
UNLV Jazz I Ensemble performs on stage
Arts and Culture |
The Jazz Ensembles' recent CD received an outstanding review from JazzTimes Magazine.
Donald Price
People |
This biologist advises students to become involved in research to enhance their academic experience.
The CNN stage
Campus News |
Major TV news networks invite students to become part of history as they document the third and final presidential debate.