Ann C. McGinley and Benjamin P. Edwards (both Law) published an op-ed in The Hill about gender bias in the venture capital space. The op-ed discusses their law review article that will be published in the U.C. Davis Law Review.
Cyndi Shein (Libraries) co-authored a paper, “Agility in the Archives: Translating Agile Methods to Archival Project Management,” recently published in RBM: A Journal of Rare Books, Manuscripts, and Cultural Heritage. The paper emphasizes the importance of approaching archival processing projects holistically and demonstrates how…
Du Feng (Nursing) is the recipient of a $177,777 Health Resources and Services Administration Nurse Faculty Loan Program award to make loans available to students who will become qualified nursing faculty. Rebecca Benfield (Nursing) submitted the application.
Wonyong Oh (Management, Entrepreneurship, and Technology) is the lead author on the case that on Netflix became the No. 1 bestseller case on Ivey Publishing, the leader in providing business case studies with a global perspective, for October 2018. This case study describes Netflix's recent internationalization strategy. His co-author is Duane…
Janice Pluth (Health Physics and Diagnostic Sciences) is the corresponding author of the paper “Genetic Variation and Radiation Quality Impact Cancer Promoting Cellular Phenotypes in Response to HZE Exposure,” which appears in-press within the journal Life Sciences in Space Research. This work used various normal mammary epithelial strains, with…
Mary Blankenship (Sciences and Brookings Institute) was featured as a guest columnist in the Las Vegas Sun for her opinion editorial, "Lincoln Memorial Reminds Us Who We Are and Can Still Be."  She is a student with a double major in chemistry and math as well as a Brookings public policy minor. 
Dr. Edward Lynch (Dental) accepted an invitation to be the primary speaker during the International Frontiers in Ozone Conference, and Ozone Therapies Group annual meeting. While there, he presented more than 14 hours of lectures and workshops to a collection of dentists, doctors, veterinarians, scientists, and academics from around the world. He…
Kenneth Izuora, Ammar Yousif (both Medicine), Civon Gewelber, and Michael Neubauer (both Dental), along with Gayle Allenback, are the authors of an article appearing in the Journal of Investigative Medicine. This was the result of an investigator-initiated study conducted at the University Medical Center (UMC) that looked at health…
James Navalta (Kinesiology and Nutrition Sciences) recently published an article with colleagues from the University of Rhode Island, Gary Ligouri and Dylan Kennedy. The paper appeared in the American College of Sports Medicine's Health and Fitness Journal, and focused on how wearables could be utilized in the fitness industry. …

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