Georgiann Davis (Sociology) wrote a piece for Ms. Magazine titled "Intersex People #WontBeErased, Either."
Bernard Zygelman (Physics and Astronomy) has published A First Introduction to Quantum Computing and Information. This book addresses and introduces new developments in the field of quantum information and computing (QIC) for a primary audience of undergraduate students.  Developments over the past few decades have spurred the need…
David G. Schwartz  (Center for Gaming Research) participated in a panel discussion and book launch at the Clark County Library earlier this month. The event was the unveiling of Live Through This: An Anthology of Unnatural Disasters, a collection of 11 short fiction and non-fiction by local writers. Schwartz has an essay/virtual memoir…
Karl Kingsley and Christopher Kypuros (both Dental) presented "Creating  an LGBT Cultural Competency Module at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas – School of Dental Medicine" at the Gay and Lesbian Medical Association annual conference in Las Vegas earlier this month.  
Rachell A. Ekroos (Nursing) was selected Texas Christian University’s 2018 Cecil H. and Ida Green Honors Chair. The Cecil H. and Ida Green Honors Chair was established in 1969, by Drs. Cecil H. and Ida Green of Dallas to bring to campus nationally known visiting scholars, scientists, writers, and other career persons on a rotating appointment…
Michael J. Alarid (History) presented a paper, "Ricos, Politicos, Hombres de Bien, or Something Else?: Reconsidering Landholding New Mexicans in the Mexican State and American Territorial Periods, 1836-63 " at the annual meeting of the Western History Association in San Antonio.
Katrina Liu (Teaching and Learning) was among 15 scholars nationwide invited to speak at Stanford University’s 2018 Race, Inequality and Language in Education (RILE) Conference earlier this month. The theme of the conference was "An Exploration of Interdisciplinary Research: Redefining Problems, Reimagining Possibilities, &…
Christina Miskey, Kelsey Lupo, Andrea Wirth, Cory Lampert, Chelsea Heinbach, Darnelle Melvin, Marina Georgeiva, Seth Shaw, Su Kim Chung, and Emily Lapworth (all Libraries) recently presented during the Digital Library Federation 2018 Forum at the M Resort in Las Vegas. Miskey, Lupo, Wirth, and Lampert presented “Student Support for Digital…
Johan Bester (Medicine) was part of a panel discussion on the use of the harm principle in decision-making for children at the American Society for Bioethics and Humanities annual meeting in October. This panel brought together leading scholars in the field of medical decision-making for children to debate the appropriateness of the harm principle…

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