Alex Hoffman (Computer Science) published the article "Moral Hazards in Cyber Vulnerability Markets" in the IEEE journal Computer. The article describes the ethics and economics surrounding the cyber vulnerability market, in which bounties are paid to those who identify and report system bugs. 
Jason Steffen (Physics and Astronomy) was recognized as a 2019 "Highly Cited Researcher" by the Web of Science.  This places him, by citations, in the top one percent of his field over the decade 2008 through 2018.  Most of these citations come from his work in exoplanets, especially in conjunction with NASA's Kepler mission. …
Howard R. D. Gordon (Teaching and Learning) was recently granted the Distinguished Service Award by the Association for Career and Technical Education Research, the foremost association for CTE researchers and academic professionals. This award is a testmony to his substantial contributions to research and teaching, as well as his outstanding…
C.E. Abbate (Philosophy) published a chapter titled "Veganism, (Almost) Harm-Free Animal Flesh, and Nonmaleficence: Navigating Dietary Ethics in an Unjust World" in the Routledge Handbook of Animal Ethics. In this chapter, she provides an overview of the harms that animals, the environment, and humans endure as a result of industrial animal…
Brookings Mountain West is pleased to release a new policy brief from Brookings Fellow in Metropolitan Policy Jenny Schuetz titled "Should Las Vegas Bet on Homeownership? Trends in Housing Affordability and Homeownership." In the piece, Schuetz discusses how "in many parts of the U.S., rents and housing prices are rising faster than…
Amanda Belarmino (Hospitality) presented the results of her study examining the antecedents of behavioral intentions for literary tourism at the 42nd Annual Black Orchid Banquet in New York City Dec. 7. Her study examined the motivations of the Wolfe Pack (a literary society of fans of the mid-20th-century detective Nero Wolfe) to dine and…
Xue "Cher" Xing (Teaching and Learning) recently was granted the Outstanding Beginning Scholar Award by the Association for Career and Technical Educational Research, the foremost association for CTE researchers and academic professionals. This award recognizes significant accomplishments in research, teaching, and service of new scholars in…
Won-Yong Oh (Management, Entrepreneurship and Technology) and his co-authors' book chapter, "MNEs’ Sustainability Challenges and Corporate Social Responsibility in Emerging Markets: The Case of Amway," was published in a book titled Sustainable Economy and Emerging Markets, published by Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group. This chapter describes…
Shane Kraus (Psychology) and colleagues published a paper, Compulsive Sexual Behavior and Dysregulation of Emotion, in Sexual Medicine Reviews. 

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