Won-Yong Oh (Management, Entrepreneurship and Technology) and his co-authors' book chapter, "MNEs’ Sustainability Challenges and Corporate Social Responsibility in Emerging Markets: The Case of Amway," was published in a book titled Sustainable Economy and Emerging Markets, published by Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group. This chapter describes…
Shane Kraus (Psychology) and colleagues published a paper, Compulsive Sexual Behavior and Dysregulation of Emotion, in Sexual Medicine Reviews. 
Jenna Heath (Liberal Arts) and Kathryn Raffety (Life Sciences) recently received fall 2019 Academic Assessment Mini-Grants through the office of academic assessment. Health and the College of Liberal Arts received the award for “College of Liberal Arts Student Success Through Service Learning Pilot Project,” an ambitious, faculty-driven service-…
Cass Shum (Hospitality) recently received the Top Tier Doctoral Graduate Research Assistantship Grant through UNLV's Graduate College for her research project "Understanding Employee Online Reviews in the Hospitality Industry." The competitive grant provides funding for a doctoral research assistant for up to three years.
Tim Self (Hospitality) and his co-authors' work on talent management in the hospitality industry has translated into several recent published articles, including:  "Talent Management: a Delphi Study of Assessing and Developing GenZ Hospitality Leaders," International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality "Increasing Management Retention:…
Art Gelis (Chemistry and Biochemistry) and his work as part of the team that developed and patented the ALSEP Process (Actinide Lanthanide Separation Process) are featured in a story published recently by Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. The article highlights the successful tests of the ALSEP process that eventually will lead to…
Tyler D. Parry (Interdisciplinary, Gender and Ethnic Studies) published an article in the Washington Post, "Why Right-Wing Commentators Distort the History of Slavery and Emancipation." Parry is an assistant professor of African American and African diaspora studies.  
Wylie Tang, Dr. Karl Kingsley, and Dr. Robin Reinke (all Dental Medicine) had their research paper, "Impact of Collaborative Leadership in Dental School Team Clinics," published in the December 2019 issue of the Journal of Dental Education.  A study was conducted to determine if students' perceptions of a team leader's openness of…
Marina Colacicchi-Garber's (World Languages and Culture) fourth and final part of selection Poems of 2016 was published in Russian-German editorial The Text.   

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