Emily Budd (Art) is one of 47 artists from 24 states being featured in Eros & Thanatos, a national juried exhibition, at the Burkham Gallery in Flint, Michigan. Eros, Greek god of love and sex, and Thanatos, the personification of death, have been used throughout western culture to symbolize the driving forces of life, love, sexuality,…
Tiffany Lin (Art) will represent Nevada as a delegate to the For Freedoms Congress in Los Angeles. For Freedoms will explore strategies to supercharge civic engagement.
Linh Nguyen, Karl Kingsley, Arvin Alexander, and Graydon Carr (all Dental) published their work on oral microbiology in the latest issue of Microbiology Research Journal International. Carr will graduate with an MS in oral biology in 2020 and Alexander is a dental student who is planning to graduate in 2021.
Elizabeth Stacy (Life Sciences) and a large team of evolutionary biologists led by Rosemary Gillespie (University of California Berkeley) published a review article, Comparing Adaptive Radiations Across Space, Time, and Taxa in the Journal of Heredity.  This paper reviews adaptive radiations across the globe to uncover commonalities…
Benjamin Burroughs (Journalism and Media Studies) has published a chapter titled "Fake Memetics: Political Rhetoric and Circulation in Political Campaigns" in the book Fake News: Understanding Media and Misinformation in the Digital Age published by the MIT Press. The chapter argues that memes operate as stitching devices, which…
Justin Griggs (Lee Business) recently received the 2019 Junior Administrative Faculty Award, an award voted on by the Lee Business School faculty and staff. The award is presented annually to an administrative faculty member who has worked within the school for one to five years and models behavior including a positive and professional…
Paulette Tandy (Accounting) recently received a $10,000 grant from the Internal Audit Foundation for The Institute for Internal Auditors' (IIA) Internal Auditing Education Partnership (IAEP) program that will be used to hire a teaching assistant to help with the internal auditing classes and continuing to implement the program at UNLV.…
Robert Lang (Brookings Mountain West & The Lincy Institute), William Brown (Brookings), and David Damore (Political Science) recently had a piece published in FixGov, a Brookings Institution blog. Their piece "Electing a President: The Significance of Nevada," discusses that "while the outcomes of the Nevada caucuses may only yield a handful…
Philip Tschirhart and Emma Frances Bloomfield (both Communication Studies) published a paper, "Framing the Anthropocene as Influence or Impact: The Importance of Interdisciplinary Contributions to Stratigraphic Classification" in Environmental Communication. The paper examines disciplinary debates over the stratigraphic (rock-layer) …

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