Amy Reed-Sandoval (Philosophy) has received a $50,000 Whiting Public Engagement Fellowship for her project Philosophy for Children in the Borderlands: A Field School.
Emir Malikov (Economics) recently had his paper, "Estimation of Firm-Level Productivity in the Presence of Exports: Evidence from China's Manufacturing," accepted by the Journal of Applied Econometrics with co-authors Shunan Zhao and Subal C. Kumbhakar.
Erika Engstrom (Communication Studies) presented "The Gendered Endgame: Marvel's 'New Man'" at the 32nd annual conference of the Far West Popular Culture and American Cultures Association in Las Vegas last month. An expert in gender and media, she discussed how Marvel's blockbuster film Avengers: Endgame presents modified versions of masculinity…
Doris Chan, Lauren Hollifield, and Zarah Rosen (Medicine) presented their educational research at the annual national meeting of the Association of Professors in Gynecology and Obstetrics in Orlando last month. Their work on innovative teaching in medical education, including the use of gaming techniques, ultrasound, and student wellness, was well…
David G. Schwartz (Faculty Affairs) recently traveled to London to deliver a series of three lectures as part of a Cass Business School (City University, London) MBA elective program on strategic marketing in Las Vegas. The lectures, in addition to assigned readings, provided a framework that the students will use when they visit Las Vegas in…
Student Diversity & Social Justice hosted the second annual Black Carpet Awards, an event designed to recognize the contributions of black students, staff, faculty, and community partners. The following individuals and organizations were award recipients: Pre-law student Candace Mays, the Audre Lorde Student Leadership Award Film and theatre…
Satish Bhatnagar (Math) chaired a creativity panel and also presented a paper, "Mathematical Foundations of My Creative Writings," during the 32nd annual conference of the Far West Popular Culture Association held in the Palace Station Hotel and Casino last month. Felicia Campbell (English) is its founder and organizer. The paper is posted on…
Johan Bester (Medicine) published an article in the leading bioethics journal, The American Journal of Bioethics. This article, "Beneficence, Interests, and Wellbeing in Medicine: What it Means to Provide Benefit to Patients," examines the concept of providing benefit to patients. Bester argues that a person's wellbeing is related both to the…
Kevin Wright (Student Diversity & Social Justice) published an article, From Disconnection to Sentience: Creating Space for Practitioners Who Experience Student Death, in the 41st edition of the Vermont Connection Student Affairs Journal.

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