Reimund Serafica (Nursing), Kelly Webber (Kinesiology and Nutrition Sciences), and Brendan Morris (Electrical and Computer Engineering) received a Faculty Opportunity Award in the collaborative interdisciplinary research category for their project “Food App for Tracking and Identifying Dietary…
Ben Van Alstyne, Alexx Martinez, and Michelle Bosinger-Shannon (all Anthropology) recently completed a virtual reality online exhibit for the Lost City Museum. This exhibit showcases 30 three-dimensional, interactive models of artifacts. Van Alstyne is a doctoral student, while Martinez and…
Erika Engstrom (Communication Studies) presented "Ironic Faith: Shades of Religious Renewal in AMC's The Walking Dead" at the annual conference of the Eastern Communication Association in Pittsburgh in April.  
Marcia Ditmyer (Dental) co-authored “2015 Rhuematology Workforce Study: The Role of Graduate Medical Education in Adult Rheumatology,” which assessed the demographic characteristics and employment trends of new entrants entering the rheumatology workforce and its impact on the supply of…
Dieu-My Tran (Nursing) received the Nursing Excellence Award from the University of Nebraska Medical Center, College of Nursing Alumni Council. The accolade honors an alumni member who has made outstanding achievements in nursing within five years of graduation and demonstrates early…
Ranita Ray (Sociology) is the author of the book The Making of a Teenage Service Class, which was cited in The Atlantic in a piece titled "Why Rich Kids Are So Good at the Marshmallow Test."
Jing Nong Liang (Physical Therapy) and Jefferson Kinney (Psychology) received a Faculty Opportunity Award in the collaborative interdisciplinary research category for their study “Modifying the Spinal Circuitry to Improve Walking and BDNF Expression in Individuals Post-Stroke.” Liang also received…
John Mercer, Cordero Roche, and Karenn Beltran (all Kinesiology and Nutrition Sciences) represented UNLV and the department during the 8th annual Science & Technology Expo in May. They demonstrated research tools, including a force platform, cycle ergometer, electromyography, and hand grip…
Karl Kingsley, Robert Tate Chauncey, Kai Katch, Toni Jilka, and Beau Seager (all Dental) published a peer-reviewed manuscript titled "Isolation and Identification of Oral Cancer Stem Cells (CSC) within Commercially Available Cell Lines" in the journal Current Research in Dentistry.
Heather Lusty (Honors) just published The Border Line: Soldier Stories by D.H. Lawrence  (edited with Introduction) with Palamedes Classic. The short-story collection is the first to focus solely on Lawrence's representations of the soldier figure. The author's own tumultuous…
Kai-Yu Ho (Physical Therapy) and David Lee (Life Sciences) received a Faculty Opportunity Award in the collaborative interdisciplinary research category for their study “Knee Pain, Tendon Degeneration, and Limb-Socket Dynamics in Trans-Tibial Amputees.” Their work seeks to understand how below-the-…
Jenna Weglarz-Ward (Educational & Clinical Studies), Rosa Milagros Santos and Jennifer Timmer (Illinois) published a new article, "Factors that Support and Hinder Including Infants with Disabilities in Child Care" in the Early Childhood Education Journal.