U-N-L-V letters outside of the Harry Reid Technology Park

Socio-Economic Development

UNLV stimulates economic development and diversification, fosters a climate of
innovation, and advances innovation and entrepreneurship opportunities in all sectors.

Strategic Objectives, Tasks, and Metrics

Develop networks and facilitate connections to spur economic development and innovation.

  • Support and connect faculty, students and the greater community to identify and create innovations, services, and IP.
  • Active marketing of UNLV knowledge, technologies, innovations and capabilities to Southern Nevada creating a hub that drives economic development and entrepreneurship.

Metrics: patents, disclosures submitted, number qualified faculty engagements, number qualified student engagements

Drive entrepreneurship, innovation, and economic development.

  • Create and support UNLV and regional start-ups.
  • Engaging Strategic Public-Private Partnerships and UNLV industry engagement that focuses on entrepreneurship, innovations and economic development.
  • Provide an ecosystem of resources and capital available to UNLV stakeholders, entrepreneurs and innovators with recognition of the needs of disadvantaged communities.

Metrics: startups based on UNLV techs, new business starts, SBDC jobs created,
SBDC clients served, capital infusion to startups/new businesses, CSR contracts

Integrate and align initiatives that support economic development for all sectors.

  • Create campus and region wide all-inclusive initiatives that drive the new spirit of innovation and entrepreneurship.
  • Integrate and align community facing services (mentors in residence, incubators, accelerators, venture fund, etc.) to support the UNLV community, individuals, entrepreneurs, creators, and business, including those that identify as disadvantaged, women-owned, and STEAM-related businesses.

Metrics: disadvantaged business enterprise support, companies located at or engaged with UNLV Research & Tech Park