Students learn about the complex nature of a community by working together in a problem solving exercise.

Community Partnerships

UNLV leverages our strengths to develop strong partnerships that are mutually beneficial,
promote the value of the university, and enrich the intellectual and cultural vitality of the valley.

Strategic Objectives, Tasks, and Metrics

Build reciprocal relationships as we create and strengthen partnerships, collaborations, and pipeline programs with K-12.

  • Build and sustain a diverse educator workforce.
  • Collaborate with partners to develop students who are ready to succeed in college.
  • Advance the conversation for educational practice and policy.

Metrics: field placement schools, student hours in school-related settings; professional development forum attendees; pipeline program
participants and diversity of participants; community youth summer opportunities at UNLV, summer camp enrollment; early outreach

Leverage UNLV’s strength to develop collaborative networks and address community needs and challenges.

  • Further creation of partnerships that address community needs, problems, and initiatives, especially homelessness and food insecurity.
  • Develop practice research networks that grow to a national level.
  • Help revitalize the neighborhood surrounding UNLV by providing services, economic development, and community-based research and creating a model for other communities to revitalize.

Metrics: number of projects addressing homelessness, poverty, and food insecurity; clients served through UNLV
Food Pantry; collaborative networks; number of programs and services focusing on the neighborhood; amount of
funding acquired for issues around homelessness, poverty, and food insecurity; community projects and partners

Provide cultural, educational, and service programs that are valued, advance learning, and benefit our communities.

  • Enhance community engagement and collaboration through the effort and successes of UNLV's student-athletes and athletics programs.
  • Further implement service-learning and other engaged pedagogies in order to apply and advance student learning while addressing community needs.
  • Strengthen civic learning, engagement, and leadership.
  • Build reciprocal community partnerships to better meet diverse UNLV student needs and fulfill our community needs.
  • Host activities and events that are relevant and appreciated by the community.
  • Support all families with special emphasis on first-generation and underserved populations across Southern Nevada by fostering a college-going culture and communication of the value of a college degree.

Metrics: cultural activities attendance; TMC/Allegiant/Cox attendance; educational outreach high-demand programs,
enrollees, CEU types and enrollment; student-athlete GPA and service hours, service hours and service-learning courses

Targeted, intentional engagement efforts to identify, establish, and steward mutually beneficial partnerships with aligned stakeholders centered on distinct and strategic intersections.

  • Expand commitment to the university and student success through deepened engagement with:
    • elected/government officials
    • nonprofits/community organizations
    • the private sector

Metrics: number of nonprofit partners collaborating with UNLV faculty and staff on community
engagement projects; government and private sector contacts; presentations at municipalities

Communicate UNLV’s strengths to promote the link between the university and the associated benefit to the community, region, state, Legislature, and other stakeholders.

  • Create and foster a sense of place and pride as well as overarching brand awareness across campus and Southern Nevada.
  • Ensure the campus is — and is viewed as — a capable, responsive, and reliable community partner and thought leader.
  • Communicate the value of a research university within the region.
  • Maintain designation as Community Engaged through Carnegie’s elective designation and investigate possibilities with the new Carnegie elective designation on leadership.
  • Demonstrate our brand strength through consistent and appropriately placed signage.

Metrics: UNLV Magazine reader engagement, reach on social media, social media engagement, social media followers, media value of publicity,
proactive media requests, promotional clips, website engagement, Rebel Impact open rates, page views, active users, CTA conversion, CCE status