News: Performing Arts Center
Proceeds from this live-streamed concert benefit the UNLV Performing Arts Center to offset costs incurred during the COVID-19 pandemic.
This special WebEx conversation is open to the UNLV community.
This dance department concert will be live-streamed on YouTube.
The third in the PAC series of student performances features bassist Alyssa D'Anduono.
In the second of the PAC series of student performances, "Letters Home" features letters, cards, and articles written by soldiers who served in Iraq and/or Afghanistan (and their families).
As winner of this prestigious, highly competitive award, Gresham receives $20,000.
The live Zoom chat with Huertas, who plays Miguel Rivas on the hit NBC series, is open to the UNLV community.
The concert opens a series of student performances live-streamed from the Performing Arts Center.
This dance department season opener will be live-streamed on YouTube.
NCT season made possible by an interdisciplinary collaboration with UNLV Film.
The recording, available for download on BandCamp, receives a rave review from Jazz Times Magazine in its upcoming November issue.
UNLV Dance presents two outdoor, socially distanced performances at 11:20 a.m. and 11:40 a.m. on Tuesday, Oct. 13 on the UNLV mall, near the Lee Pascal Rose Garden and stairs to the Performing Arts Center.