Accomplishments: Women's Council

Joanna Kepka (Honors) is the recipient of the 2020-21 Alex G. and Faye Spanos Distinguished Teaching Award. Carrying a stipend of $2,000, the annual award recognizes an outstanding UNLV faculty member for their excellence and innovation in teaching and mentorship. To be eligible, faculty members must have previously won a college teaching award.…
Dr. Linh Nguyen and Dr. Jeffrey Ebersole (both Dental) co-authored “Biological Aging and Periodontal Disease: Analysis of NHANES (2001-2002),” which appeared online ahead of print last month in the JDR Clinical and Translational Research.
Manoj Sharma (Environmental and Occupational Health) and Kavita Batra (Medicine) along with coauthors from University of Utah, National Dental College and Hospital (India), University of Kentucky, Coforge, and University of Mississippi Medical Center published an article "Explaining Screen-Time Behavior among Preschoolers in Northern India Using…
Kendra McGlothen (Neuroscience) represented UNLV at the 2021 Western Association of Graduate Schools Regional 3-Minute Thesis Competition earlier this month. McGlothen's topic was "Astrocytes Affect on Cortical Circuitry and Motor Behavior." She won honorable mention during the competition, which included 15 institutions. In…
Anjala Krishen (Marketing and International Business) and Brian Labus (Epidemiology and Biostatistics) were interviewed by KNPR's State of Nevada this week. They participated as panel experts in the episode "Vaccinated, Now What?" Labus provided advice on COVID prevention measures as the proportion of vaccinated Nevadans increases. Krishen…
Arpita Basu (Kinesiology and Nutrition Sciences), Du Feng (Nursing), Dr. Petar Planinic, Dr. James Alexander (both Medicine), and Jeffrey Ebersole (Dental) co-authored “Dietary Blueberry and Soluble Fiber Supplementation Reduces Risk of Gestational Diabetes in Women with Obesity in a Randomized Controlled Trial,” which appeared in the Journal of…
Brianne Heinle, Elizabeth Kahane, Kate Korgan, and Kara Wada (all Graduate College) attended the Western Association of Graduate Schools 63rd annual conference this month. They facilitated one session and conducted three presentations: Heinle, with Kristen DeBoer (Boise State University), facilitated a session that provided attendees working…
Sarah York (Chemistry & Biochemistry) has accepted a 2021 National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship. York's research is in chemistry education. Her dissertation research will focus on the use of systems thinking approaches to improve chemistry teaching and learning. Her advisor, MaryKay Orgill, found the…
Ashley Hairston Doughty (Art) is one of 12 design educators included in the soon-to-be released book Black, Brown + Latinx Design Educators by Kelly Walters. The book collects deep personal interviews with graphic design educators of color who teach at colleges and universities across the United States and Canada.  The book centers the…
Amy Reed-Sandoval (Philosophy) gave a keynote presentation for the "1er. Encuentro Nacional Virtual de Investigación Educativa" (First National, Virtual Meeting on Educational Research) organized by the Escuela Normal Sierra Hidalguense (Hidalgo, Mexico). Her presentation explored possible new paths for creating philosophical "…
Dr. Ji Won Yoo, Dr. Scott Lee (both Medicine); Nicole Jeong (Psychology); and Jay Shen (Public Health), along with Hee-Taik Kang, a past visiting scholar in the School of Public Health;    Joungyoun Kim, Hyo-Sun You, Ye-Seul Kim, all of Chungbuk National University in Korea; Hyung-Jin Hyun of Seoul National University in…
Susanna Newbury (Art) published "In Residence," a chapter in Amsterdam University Press' new Aesthetics of Gentrification: Seductive Spaces and Exclusive Communities in the Neoliberal City (ed. Christoph Linder and Gerard Sandoval, 2021). Newbury's contribution focuses on artists' role in urban economic development, …