Accomplishments: Kirk Kerkorian School of Medicine at UNLV

Neeraj Bhandari, Soumya Upadhyay, Christopher Cochran (all Healthcare Administration, and Policy), and Dr. Kavita Batra (Medicine) published an article, "Impact of COVID-19 on Healthcare Labor Market in the United States: Lower Paid Workers Experienced Higher Vulnerability and Slower Recovery" in the International Journal of Environmental Research…
Drs. Awad Javaid, Banveet Kaur Khetarpal, Kalaimani Elango, and Chowdhury Ahsan (all Medicine) recently co-authored a manuscript, "The Effects of Warfarin and Direct Oral Anticoagulants on Systemic Vascular Calcification: A Review" in Cells. The authors reviewed recent evidence regarding the effects of warfarin compared to direct oral…
Dr. Ji Won Yoo (Medicine) along with, Drs. Sung-Hwa Sohn, Yeon-Hwa Kim and Too Jae Min, who all are from Korea University, published "The Effect of Ulinastatin to the Learning and Memory in Zebrafish" in the journal Neuromolecular Medicine. This study investigated whether Ulinastatin could improve learning and memory by using the zebrafish…
Dr. Nabil Noureddin (Medicine) recently published his article “Progression of Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease-Associated Fibrosis in a Large Cohort of Patients with Type 2 Diabetes” in the Digestive Diseases and Sciences Journal. He is the first author on this original research that aimed to provide large-scale data on progression and regression…
Alison Netski (Medicine) has been accepted as a Fellow in the Hedwig van Ameringen Executive Leadership in Academic Medicine (ELAM) program. Her selection places her among the very best and brightest of today’s and tomorrow’s women leaders in academic medicine, dentistry, public health, and pharmacy. ELAM is specially for senior women faculty…
Dr. Oriaku Kas-Osoka (Medicine) has been selected as a fellow for the WEL Leadership Initiative. The WEL project is an 18-month curriculum focused on women’s wellness through equity and leadership. The WEL Alliance is a collaborative effort whose partners include 10 U.S. medical associations: the American Academy of Family Physicians, American…
Dr. Kate Martin (Medicine) has been appointed as a Fellow with the Gerontology Institute at University of Massachusetts Boston. The appointment opens the door for new collaborative opportunities, research, and scholarship in the aging field. Martin, associate dean for graduate medical education, hopes to advance public awareness and knowledge…
Leland "Rocky" Rockstraw (Nursing), director of the Clinical Simulation Center, was elected by the National Academies of Practice (NAP) as a Distinguished Practitioner & Fellow. The class of 2021 Fellows were welcomed into NAP in a virtual awards and induction ceremony earlier this month.
Kavita Batra (Medicine) and Manoj Sharma (Environmental & Occupational Health) were interviewed by Medscape News for the feature, “Less Sleep, More Burnout Linked to Higher COVID-19 Risk, Study Shows.”  Batra was the lead author on a meta-analysis on psychological impact of COVID-19, which she shared, while Sharma shared his expertise on…
Manoj Sharma (Environmental and Occupational Health) and Kavita Batra (Medicine) along with coauthors from University of Utah, National Dental College and Hospital (India), University of Kentucky, Coforge, and University of Mississippi Medical Center published an article "Explaining Screen-Time Behavior among Preschoolers in Northern India Using…
Arpita Basu (Kinesiology and Nutrition Sciences), Du Feng (Nursing), Dr. Petar Planinic, Dr. James Alexander (both Medicine), and Jeffrey Ebersole (Dental) co-authored “Dietary Blueberry and Soluble Fiber Supplementation Reduces Risk of Gestational Diabetes in Women with Obesity in a Randomized Controlled Trial,” which appeared in the Journal of…
Dr. Ji Won Yoo, Dr. Scott Lee (both Medicine); Nicole Jeong (Psychology); and Jay Shen (Public Health), along with Hee-Taik Kang, a past visiting scholar in the School of Public Health;    Joungyoun Kim, Hyo-Sun You, Ye-Seul Kim, all of Chungbuk National University in Korea; Hyung-Jin Hyun of Seoul National University in…