Accomplishments: Lee Business School

Dana Angioni (Business) has recently been elected to serve on the Administrative Faculty Committee. 
Rajiv Kishore (Management, Entrepreneurship, and Technology) had a paper, “Theorizing About the Early Stage Diffusion of Co-dependent IT Innovations,” accepted for publication by the Journal of the Association for Information Systems (JAIS), which is listed as a top-tier “A+” journal in the Lee Business School’s SARS journal list. This paper was…
Caren Yap (Business), an undergraduate student, has been accepted to the 22nd annual Public Policy Leadership Conference at Harvard University’s John F. Kennedy School of Government. She is one of 68 students in a cohort selected nationwide to attend the conference this fall. The conference will be hosted on the Harvard Kennedy School campus…
  Hans Rawhouser (Management, Entrepreneurship and Technology), an associate professor in the Lee Business school, won a prestigious award for his paper titled, "Does a common mechanism engender common results? Sustainable development trade-offs in the global carbon offset market." published in Academy of Management Discoveries…
Yong Li (Troesh Center for Entrepreneurship and Innovation) received the Outstanding Reviewer Award from the Academy of Management Review (AMR), an A+ journal on the Lee Business School's journal list. The mission of the AMR is to publish theoretical insights that advance our understanding of management and organizations.  
Anjala Krishen (Marketing and International Business) recently published an article titled "AI-based innovation in B2B marketing: An interdisciplinary framework incorporating academic and practitioner perspectives," with co-authors Maria Petrescu (Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University), Sheen Kachen (University of Illinois at Chicago), and…
John Starkey (Business) was featured in episode 15 of Adlava's VegasForward Podcast, discussing his past, UNLV's impact on him, and how he hopes to help Las Vegas move forward in years to come. You can watch the video on YouTube or listen on Spotify, Apple, or Google podcasts. 
Mary Blankenship (The Lincy Institute, Brookings Mountain West, Economics, Chemistry) recently had her research on Twitter posts featured in a Las Vegas Review-Journal story and on a City Cast Las Vegas podcast episode. She collects and studies varying public responses on Twitter that occur after a mass shooting. After reviewing tweets…
Maria Aladjova (Health Sciences), Elizabeth Johnson, Sheetal Survase (both Academic Success Center), Kevin McVay (College of Sciences), Janelle Yasukochi (Office of the Vice Provost for Undergraduate Education), John Starkey, Stephen Sumnner, Tashauna Stewart, Jason Kantrowitz, and Beth Gersten (all Lee Business) all are part of the UNLV…
Kim Nehls (Business) and Doris Watson (Educational Psychology, Leadership, and Higher Education), along with Brandy Smith of Nevada State College, published an article, "Perceptions of Student Affairs Administrators at an Emerging Minority Serving Institution," in the special issue of About Campus on Hispanic Serving Institutions.
Mary Blankenship (The Lincy Institute, Brookings Mountain West, Economics, Chemistry) recently had part one of a two-part report published in the Brookings Institution blog, Africa in Focus. The piece, "Russia’s Narratives about its Invasion of Ukraine are Lingering in Africa," analyzes Twitter data to examine the broader Russian narratives…
Jesse Barnes (Public Policy and Leadership), Anjala Krishen (Marketing and International Business), and Alexander Chan (both Business) recently published their article, "Passive and Active Peer Effects in the Spatial Diffusion of Residential Solar Panels: A Case Study of the Las Vegas Valley," in the Journal of Cleaner Production. In this…