Accomplishments: Lee Business School

Anjala Krishen (Marketing & International Business) published a paper in Journal of Advertising (Lee Business School A- level publication) with Angeline Close Scheinbaum (faculty at Clemson University), Buduo Wang (doctoral student at UT Austin), and Siyan Li (doctoral student at UT Austin) The article is "How Affective Evaluation and Tourist…
Beiyu Lin (Computer Science) received the people choice award for IEEE rising stars poster competition earlier this month.
Rajiv Kishore (Management, Entrepreneurship, and Technology) had a paper, "E-Business Systems & Firm Performance: An Exploration-Exploitation Perspective and the Moderating Role of Executive Attention," accepted for publication by Production and Operations Management, which is a premier business journal listed in prestigious Financial Times 50…
Michael J. Lee (Management, Entrepreneurship, and Technology) co-authored the article "Differential Impact of Content in Online Communication on Heterogeneous Candidates: A Field Study in Technical Recruitment" with Rohit Aggarwal (University of Utah) and Vishal Midha (Illinois State University). This article has been accepted for publication by…
Woo-Yong Park (Management, Entrepreneurship, and Technology) recently had his paper, "The Design Sourcing Choice and Technological Performance in the Upscale and Downscale Markets of an Architectural Innovation,” accepted in the Journal of Operations Management. Park co-authored the paper with Chanchai Tangpong (North Dakota…
Jason Smith (Accounting) recently had his publication titled  "An Audit Quality Inspection Scandal: Ethical Lapses in a Misguided Attempt to Alleviate Regulatory Scrutiny" accepted by Issues in Accounting Education, the premier educational journal in accounting.  The case, co-authored by Smith, Johnk Keyser of Case Western…
Rebecca T. Barber (Financial Planning, Budget, and Analysis) presented a two part invited webinar on Finance for Institutional Research Professionals.  The event was hosted by the Association of Institutional Researchers and had the goal of helping institutional research professionals better understand and use financial data in their…
Eda Anlamlier and Anjala Krishen (Marketing and International Business) have published their article entitled "Fear of missing out in the digital age: The role of social media satisfaction and advertising engagement" in the Psychology & Marketing journal with their co-authors My (Myla) Bui of Loyola Marymount University and Orie…
Emir Malikov (Economics), together with Jingfang Zhang of Auburn University, Shunan Zhao of Oakland University and Subal Kumbhakar of Binghamton University, coauthored an article, "Accounting for Cross-Location Technological Heterogeneity in the Measurement of Operations Efficiency and Productivity," that has been accepted at the Journal of…
Jenny Ulla (Accounting) recently had her paper titled "Man versus Machine: Complex Estimates and Auditor Reliance on Artificial Intelligence" accepted by the Journal of Accounting and Research, one of the top three academic journals in accounting. The study, co-authored by Benjamin P. Commerford, Sean A. Dennis, and Jennifer R. Joe, …
Won-Yong Oh (Management, Entrepreneurship, and Technology) and Jinsuh Tark, who is in MBA/MS Hotel Administration dual program, published a business case study "MGM Resorts International: Responsibility versus Profitability" with Ivey Publishing. Ivey Publishing is a leading business case study publisher with a global perspective and it has…
Madina Kamolova (Management Information Systems), Jessica Habashy, Kaelyn Griffin, Bailey Way, and Shane Kraus (all Psychology) will be presenting at the annual meeting of Society of Advancement of Sexual Health in Seattle Oct. 14-17.  Graduate students from the Behavioral Addictions Lab will present three posters: 1) "Oh God yes: the…