Accomplishments: School of Dental Medicine

Edward Lynch (Dental) was one of the main invited speakers who presented at the annual BDIA conference in the National Exhibition Center in Birmingham, England, in October. He spoke on the theme of “Putting Innovation into Practice” and presented the latest evidenced-based translational research especially related to innovations with…
Dr. Karl Kingsley, Weston Milne, Ghazaleh Rezaei, and Adam Whiteley (all Dental) published the article "Cariogenic Pathogen Scardovia Wiggsiae Screening Among Pediatric Orthodontic Patients: A Pilot Study" in Current Research in Dentistry in October.  
Dr. Tina Brandon Abbatangelo (Dentistry) completed the Institute for Diversity in Leadership hosted by the American Dental Association, which is designed to enhance the leadership skills of dentists who, because of their backgrounds, have been traditionally underrepresented in leadership roles. The program provides opportunities to enhance…
Dr. Karl Kingsley and Adam Whiteley (both Dental) published the research article "Scardovia Wiggsiae Prevalence among Adult and Pediatric Orthodontic and Non-Orthodontic Patient Populations" in the Journal of Medical Discovery in September.  
Edward Lynch (Dental) and dentist Ahmed Mohamed published  “Stem Cell Engineered Implant Dentistry — the Future of Implant Dentistry” in Stomatological Disease and Science in July. Clinical complications are associated with dental implants, such as gingival recession, gingival inflammation, crestal bone loss and inflammation of surrounding…
Dr. Jeffrey Ebersole (Dental) served as an invited speaker during three events focused on periodontics. First, he accepted an invitation to the 4th annual North American Saliva Symposium where he shared results of his work "Salivary Analytes and Onset of Periodontitis." He then discussed findings from his study “Translational Modeling of Human…
Dr. Edward Lynch and Martin Grootveld (both Dental) successfully supervised Tracey Lee Lennemann for her PhD thesis (awarded September 2017), "Sustainable Delivery Methods for ('Grass Roots') Oral Health Promotion in Children; a Longitudinal Study involving NGO's and Rural Community Groups in India".
Edward Lynch (Dental) presented a day's lecture program on behalf of the Irish Dental Association at their annual Irish meeting (Identix) in Dublin in September. The course was oversubscribed and was directed at clinicians to update them on the latest evidenced-based dentistry, including presentation of several recent translational research papers…
Edward Lynch (Dental) has published an article, Effect of Different Thermo-Light Polymerization on Flexural Strength of Two Glass Ionomer Cements and a Glass Carbomer Cement," in the Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry. The research into the use of polymerization lights for heating glass ionomer cements or glass carbomer to improve their…
Edward Lynch (Dental) has published two articles in the journal Quintessence International. The first is titled “Bleaching Efficacy of Ozone/Hydrogen Peroxide Versus Hydrogen Peroxide/Ozone Application”. The objective of this work was to compare the efficacy of tooth bleaching after using ozone, before and after application of hydrogen peroxide (…
Kathrine M. Howard and Karl Kingsley (both Dental) recently published the article "Oral Microbial Ecology of Selenomonas noxia and Scardovia wiggsiae" in the Microbiology Research Journal International with two dental students, Jaydene McDaniel and Steven McDaniel, and an Orthodontic Dental Resident, Dr. Amy Tam.
Kathrine M. Howard, Karl Kingsley, Jaydene McDaniel, Steven McDaniel, and Amy Tam (all Dental) wrote "Screening a Saliva Repository for Scardovia wiggsiae and Streptococcus mutans: A Pilot Study," for the Journal of Advances in Microbiology. Howard is the senior author.