Accomplishments: School of Dental Medicine

Sixteen School of Dental Medicine faculty and students recently participated in a service mission trip to Bolivia where they treated 30 children and adults who had severe fluorosis. While not common in the United States, fluorosis stains teeth dark green or brown due to extreme fluoride levels in drinking water. The seven-day trip immersed…
Karl Kingsley (Dental) recently published the article "UpFolic Acid-Modulated Growth of Dental Pulp Stem Cells (DPSCs)" in the peer-reviewed Journal of Medical Discovery with two former dental students, Kristi Agari and Weiye Lin.
Dr. Christina Demopoulos (Dental) has been named by Nevada Business magazine as Southern Nevada’s 2018 Healthcare Hero - Educator for her dedication to preparing the next generation of dental professionals. She teaches public health, tobacco cessation, health promotion, behavioral sciences, and access-to-care topics within the pre-doctoral dental…
Karl Kingsley (Dental) recently published the article "Uptake and Metabolism of Folate among Dental Pulp-Derived Stem Cells" in the peer-reviewed journal EC Dental Science with two current (Maria Leake, Brandon Saxe) and two former (Kristi Agari, John Silvaroli) dental students.       
Dr. Jeffrey Ebersole (Dental) co-authored “Environmental Lead Effects on Gene Expression in Oral Epithelial Cells,” which evaluated the impact of environmental lead exposure on the responses of oral epithelial cells to challenge with a model pathogenic oral biofilm. The article first appeared Aug. 26 in the Journal of Periodontal Research.
Arpita Basu (Kinesiology and Nutrition Sciences), Dr. Eric Farbman (Medicine), Merrill Landers (Physical Therapy), and Dr. Daniel Orr II (Dental Medicine) accepted invitations to speak during the Inter-professional Health Symposium on Parkinson’s Disease, hosted by Friends of Parkinson’s. Basu led a breakout session focused on dietary antioxidants…
Dr. Jeffrey Ebersole (Dental Medicine) co-authored “Odontogenic Abscesses in Rhesus Macaques (Macaca mulatta) of Cayo Santiago,” which appeared online ahead of publication in the American Journal of Physical Anthropology. Because of the closeness between the rhesus monkey and human genomes, the study may provide insights into the epidemiology of…
Dr. Edward Lynch (Dental) and co-workers have published in the current issue of Quintessence International a paper titled “Randomized Clinical Trial on the Comparison of Bleaching Outcomes Using either Ozone or Hydrogen Peroxide”. This randomized, double-blinded clinical trial conducted at the University of Jordan evaluated the efficacy of in-…
Drs. Christine Ancajas, Edward Herschaft, William Leavitt, Ronald Lemon, Robert Lockhart, James Mah, George McAlpine, Daniel Orr II, Victoria Woo, and Wendy Woodall (all Dental) have all been named by Desert Companion magazine to its “Top Dentists 2018” list. Also listed by the magazine were eight part-time instructors and five volunteers. This…
Dr. Edward Lynch (Dental) and co-workers have published a paper, "Highly Acidic pH Values of Carbonated Sweet Drinks, Fruit Juices, Mineral Waters and Unregulated Fluoride Levels in Oral Care Products and Drinks in India: A Public Health Concern" in the online July issue of Perspectives in Public Health. This research quantified and assessed the…
Dr. Edward Lynch (Dental) this week was installed as president of the Pharmacology, Therapeutics and Toxicology Research Group at the annual meeting of the International Association for Dental Research (IADR) and American Association for Dental Research (AADR) in London. He was elected by his peers as Research Group president for the third time.…
Drs. Wenlian Zhou and Rick Thiriot (both Dental) taught two courses during July at Nankai University School of Dental Medicine in China as part of the Tianjin China Collaboration and Exchange Program. Both also were invited to present “Dental Licensure in the United States” and “Introduction to Clear Aligner Therapy” at Lanzhou University, School…