In The News: College of Liberal Arts


Three Democratic congressional representatives are asking state lawmakers to remove a statue of legendary Nevada senator Patrick McCarran from the U.S. Capitol's Statuary Hall, saying he left what they called a "legacy of racism, anti-Semitism, and xenophobia.”

Vegas Seven

Filing has closed for the local municipal elections—although you may not have noticed. Traditionally, turnout in municipal elections is putrid. Why? They come along in springtime, when our fancy turns to more important matters like baseball. They are nonpartisan, bipartisan and altogether unpartisan, or at least maintain the appearance of being so. But here are a few things about 2017’s round that should draw your interest …

TV Guide

"It used to be so simple," Katie Couric says in National Geographic Channel's documentary Gender Revolution: A Journey with Kaite Couric, "you were either a boy or you were a girl. But that was then. And this is now."


Porn is everywhere. It's on people's mobile phones, laptops, hard disks and it's all over the internet. There are now thousands of free clips just a click away, but despite the ubiquity, porn is an industry in upheaval.

Teen Vogue

In today’s society, gender is no longer a word with a simple definition, but rather, an entire spectrum filled with different pieces of information, and different ways to identify and express oneself. For some, the notion of gender identity is complicated to understand – but that’s exactly why it is so important to discuss. And now Katie Couric’s new documentary with National Geographic is joining the discussion.

LGBTQ Nation

There is not much new under the sun when it comes to television documentaries about transgender Americans.

NBC News

In order to educate herself and viewers and “get to know the real people behind the headlines,” the two-hour National Geographic film has Katie Couric visit a number of activists, doctors, families and individuals. Among those who share their insight is Georgiann Davis, an intersex activist and sociology professor.

Global News

It all used to be so simple: a baby was born, declared either a boy or a girl, and families would go on their merry way.

Business Insider

It's not just you — athleisure is everywhere.

Rolling Stone

On National Geographic, yesterday a documentary was shown that tries to describe the change in the concept of gender. Our correspondent interviewed a group of experts during the presentation in Los Angeles.

TV Zap

In the 21st century society, the concept of gender is no longer so clear and the world is coping with a huge cultural revolution that now a documentary, broadcast on Tuesday, January 31 at 20.55 on National Geographic, tries to explain.

KSNV-TV: News 3

A growing group of lawmakers are pushing to rename McCarran International Airport and remove a statue of its namesake from Capitol Hill because of the lawmaker’s controversial history.