In The News: College of Liberal Arts

Las Vegas Review Journal

The stories of the Calac cousins and other Nevadans who fought in World War I echo very faintly today.

Las Vegas Review Journal

The Las Vegas Convention and Visitors Authority spends millions of taxpayer dollars on high-end entertainment, including top-shelf liquor and $300 steaks, as well as gifts for employees and first-class trips for board members. The agency’s lavish purchases at times have little or no business purpose and routinely violate its own vague expense policies, a Las Vegas Review-Journal investigation found.

Las Vegas Review Journal

Jarret Keene is a fan of the apocalypse.

He’s edited books about it, played music about it, and now he’s giving a talk about it.

Las Vegas Review Journal

When it comes to big-dollar contributions in local elections, donors hope their money translates to access.

Las Vegas Review Journal

In a bill spanning nearly 300 pages, a Nevada Assemblyman this week laid out his plans for giving community colleges a greater voice.

Washington Times

Opponents of the newly revived federal plan to store nuclear waste at Nevada’s Yucca Mountain are preparing for battle with the Trump administration as the political winds seem to be shifting in favor of the project.


Many of the remaining Las Vegas civil rights pioneers gathered at the Westside School last week for the premiere of a documentary that chronicles Southern Nevada’s African-American community.

McAlester News-Capital

In a week the Raiders inched closer to leaving Oakland, Las Vegas mayor Carolyn Goodman had a reminder for the NFL: Don’t forget downtown.

Mercury News

In a week the Raiders inched closer to leaving Oakland, Las Vegas mayor Carolyn Goodman had a reminder for the NFL: Don’t forget downtown.

90.2 KAZU

Under legislation recently introduced in Sacramento, driver’s licenses and other state identifications could soon have a third gender option. In addition to using the letter M for male or F for female, the letters NB may be added to stand for people who are non-binary. Someone who doesn’t identify exclusively with either gender.

Fox News

Want to channel your inner Jay Gatsby or Daisy Buchanan without looking like a movie extra? We reached out to several stylists, including those involved with the film, to learn how to get this timeless look.

Los Angeles Review of Books

THE DESTRUCTION OF ALEPPO has been a heartbreaking reminder of the human cost of instability in the Middle East. Vulnerable civilians who lived in what was once one of the most diverse and prosperous cities in the region find themselves on the frontline of an intractable civil war with no place to go. With anti-immigrant populism on the rise, the current refugee crisis has revealed a callous unwillingness on the part of the United States and Europe to help mitigate the crisis, even before President Trump’s executive order to ban Syrian refugees indefinitely.