In The News: College of Liberal Arts


If you want to know why Saturday's Nevada caucus has suddenly, in its final weeks, turned from a presumed landslide for Hillary Clinton into a total toss-up, ask Emily Sandoval and Maggie Salas-Crespo.

New York Times

In a storefront on this city’s heavily Latino east side, the civil rights leader Dolores Huerta rallied a dozen volunteers for Hillary Clinton on Wednesday night, relating, in Spanish, a Mexican saying about people who go near a cactus only when it is bearing fruit.


Iowa and New Hampshire voters look forward to the presidential nominating process with high expectations of contact with candidates and a long tradition of vetting them. And then comes … Nevada.


The first two elections in the primary cycle are complete, yet the lid remains open on one controversial topic that surfaces every primary season: the apparent “whiteness” of Iowa and New Hampshire. The matter usually is boiled down to a single question: How could two mostly rural states with majority-white populations fairly represent the national electorate?

KFPA Radio

On today's show - "The fact that the Latino population here and the US born Latino population is so overwhelmingly young, it opens a pathway for Sanders."


Sam’s Town casino is a pioneer-themed resort on the working-class east side of Las Vegas famous for its laserlight waterfall show, budget-friendly gambling, a bowling alley popular with locals, and the fact that Republican presidential candidate Marco Rubio’s father, Mario Rubio, served drinks here in the early 1980s.

The Forward

One of the most prominent donors in Republican politics is in an unusual position: undecided.


This Saturday, the third contest will be held in the Democratic presidential race: the Nevada caucuses.

Las Vegas Sun

The Tuesday before the caucuses, Nevadans young and old gathered at the East Las Vegas Community Center after school and work to eat Mexican food and learn how to caucus.

Las Vegas Sun

The Tuesday before the caucuses, Nevadans young and old gathered at the East Las Vegas Community Center after school and work to eat Mexican food and learn how to caucus.

Jewish Journal

Jewish voters in Nevada suffer the same affliction as anyone else ahead of caucuses in the presidential race: No one is quite sure how the damn system works.

Vegas Seven

Donald Trump was supposed to be running for president as a publicity stunt and ego boost. He wasn’t serious. He couldn’t win.