Accomplishments: Department of World Languages and Cultures
Alodia Martin-Martinez (World Languages and Cultures) presented at PAMLA 2022 in a session called Pandora's Xbox: Classical Imagery and Story in Traditional and Emerging Media. The title of the presentation was "Aletheia and the Social Media."
Susan Byrne (World Languages and Cultures) gave an invited paper presentation titled, "La otra verosimilitud cervantina," in the city of Alcázar de San Juan, Spain. The conference was hosted by the City of Alcázar de San Juan, the Grupo de Investigación Siglos de Oro of the University of Navarre, and the Sociedad Cervantina de Alcázar de San Juan…
Deborah Arteaga (World Languages and Cultures) presented a paper on October 15, 2022, titled, "Providing Health Care to Patients in Spanish: A Pilot Training Program for Heritage Speakers," at the 79th annual conference of the South Central Modern Language Association held in Memphis, Tennessee.
On September 25, Marina Garber-Colacicchi (World Languages and Cultures) presented her latest book of poetry, The Homelandless, (Kiev, Ukraine, 2022) within the Intercultural Poetry Readings program held at Russian Samovar, New York, NY.
Marina Garber-Colacicchi (World Languages and Cultures) participated in the Boston Poetry Readings series in tandem with Alexander Amchislavsky (Toronto, Canada) and presented her latest poetry book, The Homelandless (Kiev, Ukraine, 2022).
Marina Garber-Colacicchi (World Languages and Cultures) was published in The Poetry of the Latest Times. The Chronicles, an anthology of war-time poetry (Ivan Limbakh Publishing, St. Petersburg, Russia, 2022; selected and edited by Yurii Leving).
Andrew Kauffman (World Languages and Cultures) presented a paper on his current research on literary depictions of sacrifice at the Rocky Mountain Modern Language Association (RMMLA) convention in Albuquerque, New Mexico on October 15.
Francois-Nicolas Vozel (World Languages and Cultures) published an article titled, "No Trace Anywhere of Life, Perhaps: Autology and Hauntology in Imagination Dead Imagine," in the Journal of Beckett Studies (Edinburgh U.P.). The article analyzes how many of Samuel Beckett's texts rely on painterly aesthetics and techniques of avant-garde…
Arpine Mkrtchyan’s (World Languages and Cultures) abstract proposal titled, ‘’Les particularités des signes poétiques dans les textes littéraires,’’ was accepted by and presented at the 15th World Congress of Semiotics, an event organized by University of Macedonia, Thessaloniki, Greece in August 2022.
Merci Silva-Acosta (World Languages and Cultures) published an article: "Voces feministas que trascienden épocas y continentes: 'Lección de cocina' de Rosario Castellanos y 'Carne quemada' de Rosa Montero" in El Cid: La revista estudiantil del Capítulo Tau Iota de Sigma Delta Pi, la Sociedad Nacional Honoraria Hispánica.
Margarita Jara (World Languages and Cultures) gave her Presidential Address at the 2022 Linguistic Association of the Southwest annual meeting at Cleveland State University on September 24. Her paper was titled, "Northwestern Amazonian Spanish as a macro-region: The roles of the (socio)-linguist."
Spanish has coexisted with many…
Marina Garber-Colacicchi (World Languages and Cultures) participated in a poetry readings series hosted by The Boston Readings project and presented her latest book, The Landlessness (Bezothechestvo) published in Kiev, Ukraine, in June 2022.