Experts In The News

Stir World

Ask an architect to name one or a few favourite buildings and surely a library will be on that list. Stockholm Public Library by Gunnar Asplund, Kahn's Exeter Academy Library in New Hampshire, or Seattle Central Library by Rem Koolhaas represent just a few much-celebrated imaginative examples of what a library building could be. Along with such building types as museums and theaters, libraries have become architects’ most desired public commissions to advance their thinking and experimentation. And unlike museums and theaters, libraries are free to visit and, curiously, finding one’s favourite book may be just one of a hundred different reasons for going to a modern-day library. I may step into my own neighbourhood library, the Queens Public Library at Hunters Point in Long Island City simply to extend my regular walk along the East River or to meet a friend to admire this Steven Holl-designed space together before going elsewhere. It is the intriguing section of this 2019 building that architect and educator Steffen Lehmann placed on the cover of his new book Reimagining the Library of the Future published by ORO Editions.

Las Vegas Weekly

Locals should start noticing changes in the Las Vegas Medical District soon.

K.L.A.S. T.V. 8 News Now

The Southern Nevada Health District announced that there are 185 probable and confirmed cases of monkeypox in Clark County as of Tuesday, Sept. 6.

Association of Public & Land-Grant Universities

When I joined UNLV as its president in August 2020, our campus – which would normally be brimming with the excitement of a new academic year – was a fairly quiet place. Nearly all of our 31,000 students were taking classes remotely, and my introduction to UNLV and our students and faculty was largely limited to Zoom screens and recorded messages.


The Trump administration issued rules and legal guidance that made it more difficult for unions to organize workers, and for workers to bring complaints and lawsuits against employers for alleged labor-law violations.

C.B.S. News

Seattle Public Schools canceled Wednesday's first day of school after teachers voted overwhelmingly to authorize a strike over issues that include pay, mental health support, and staffing ratios for special education and multilingual students.

Associated Press

Seattle Public Schools canceled Wednesday’s first day of school after teachers voted overwhelmingly to authorize a strike over issues that include pay, mental health support, and staffing ratios for special education and multilingual students.

Wall Street Journal

The easily understood ‘exit velocity’ metric helps drive fans’ conversations, even if it isn’t always a useful predictor of success