Experts In The News

MedCity News

Clinicians who responded to six recent mass shooting events recommended eight best practices hospitals should adhere to when responding to these tragic events in the future. Their guidance included recommendations for rapid patient triaging, communication with on-site medics and family reunification.

Voice of America

Monkeypox cases continue to rise around the world. Four alternative treatments are currently being tested in the United States. Adriana Arevalo of the Voice of America has the report.

Nevada Business

Southwest Medical has been a part of southern Nevada for 50 years, and it means the world to us to provide care to the communities we’ve called home for so many decades.

Rice University

A new Rice University and University of Nevada, Las Vegas study on Americans’ attitudes about military intervention finds the public prefers when the U.S. works with other military powers, protects civilians and resolves conflicts peacefully.

Las Vegas Review Journal

New cases of monkeypox continue to be identified in Clark County but at a slower rate than in previous weeks, a trend seen in much of the country.

Las Vegas Review Journal

COVID-19 hospitalizations in Clark County have fallen to 100 — their lowest point since April — from a high this year of 1,700 in January, according to state data released Wednesday.

Las Vegas Review-Journal En Español

COVID-19 hospitalizations in Clark County have fallen to 100 - their lowest point since April - from a high this year of 1,700 in January, according to state data released Wednesday.

Marijuana Venture

Building and maintaining an online presence for your cannabis business has become critical in today’s increasingly competitive environment. But because federal legislation prohibits cannabis sales, marketing and advertising your products at the national level remains virtually impossible. While online marketing is one of the best ways to reach your target market, there are significant limitations that must be considered carefully before embarking on a digital cannabis campaign.