Experts In The News

Associated Press

The national reckoning on race and policing that followed the death of George Floyd -- with a Minneapolis police officer’s knee on his windpipe -- spurred a torrent of state laws aimed at fixing the police. More than two years later, that torrent has slowed.

U.S.A. Today

This picturesque village in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, is nearly 2,000 miles from the country's southern border.

Las Vegas Review Journal

Las Vegas is known as a place to gamble, party and cut loose. It also has a long history of blowing up buildings to clear space for new ones. And now, a pipeline of big demolitions is set to remake parts of the Strip and other pockets of Southern Nevada.

Las Vegas Review Journal

No wagering breakthroughs are expected when esports betting is allowed more frequently at Nevada sportsbooks about a month from now.

K.N.P.R. News

Earlier this year, Nevadans voted in a primary election. It wasn’t terribly controversial. But this year marks the fiftieth anniversary of one of the most controversial and significant primaries in Nevada’s history, and the fortieth of another. Let’s start with the earlier one.

K.L.A.S. T.V. 8 News Now

Could we soon see the end to resort fees? This week President Joe Biden said he’s taking aim at hidden “junk fees,” including those charged at Strip resorts by ordering the Federal Trade Commission to investigate.


Latino voters have long propelled Democrats to statewide victories in Nevada. But concerns over inflation and cost of living have made Democratic incumbents as vulnerable as ever in the state. Lisa Desjardins traveled to Las Vegas to talk with Latino voters about the contests that may well determine the balance of power in congress.

Las Vegas Sun

Nevada billionaire Robert Bigelow’s political contributions to support Republicans in Nevada might easily amount to record spending in a statewide race, experts say. Beyond his unprecedented Nevada spending, his cumulative spending pins the entrepreneur among the biggest individual donors in the country, according to a review of federal campaign finance data.