Experts In The News

Miami Herald

Business attire has, traditionally, been taken incredibly seriously. Often considered as the representation of professionalism in the workplace, these ethics are still in transition today. From the 1950s, the American work style witnessed a transformation. Starting with women in tailored suits, silk shirts, and stilettos, and the expectation of black suits, ties, and pocket squares for men, the office was a place of conformity.

Desert Companion

Paladares pepper the Cuban landscape today, but until the 1990s, these small, family-owned restaurants operated as underground hot spots that only people in the know could find. So, it makes sense for hospitality maven Jolene Mannina to name her new chef incubator Paladare. Mannina is known for her ability to create FOMO — from her pop-ups to her revolving restaurant concepts at the former Vegas Test Kitchen on East Fremont.

Boise State Public Radio

Universities and professional schools across the West have been reacting to the Supreme Court’s recent decision rejecting affirmative action. For the head of one of the handful of medical schools in the region, the ruling didn’t come as a surprise, but he is preoccupied by some potential implications.


Frequent fliers, you know the routine. As your plane begins its final approach, flight attendants will walk through the aisles making sure seats are in the upright position — even if you're fast asleep. But why do you need to put your seat upright for takeoff and landing? Technically, it's the law.

Travel + Leisure

Frequent fliers, you know the routine. As your plane begins its final approach, flight attendants will walk through the aisles making sure seats are in the upright position — even if you're fast asleep. But why do you need to put your seat upright for takeoff and landing? Technically, it's the law.

K.N.P.R. News

Nevadans will have some interesting choices in less than a year when they pick their candidates for president.

City Cast Las Vegas

Las Vegas is a city that sells sex… but when it comes to our sex shops, we’re actually kinda… basic. Today, co-host Vogue Robinson chats with UNLV professor Lynn Comella, author of the book “Vibrator Nation: How Feminist Sex-Toy Stores Changed the Business of Pleasure,” about sex shops in Vegas: How they’re evolving, the challenges faced by the one feminist sex shop we had (ever so briefly), and what a great sex shop can do for a city like ours.

K.S.N.V. T.V. News 3

Fifteen thousand hotel workers across Southern California recently walked off the job. Workers at about 65 major hotels in Los Angeles and Orange counties went on strike Sunday morning, including front desk staff, housekeepers, and kitchen workers.