Experts In The News

Gazeta Bankowa

Advertising on billboards can cost millions of dollars, have the area of ​​20 tennis courts or weigh two tons. Experts argue that even such amounts are paid off very quickly, because many such advertisements later conquer the Internet. In Poland, billboards are also experiencing a "renaissance of form". Although companies do not spend as much as in the USA or Dubai, they spend more on this advertising segment from year to year.

Never arrive at your seat on the plane annoyed again or argue about the storage space for your luggage? A dream idea! Jason Steffen actually spends his working life unraveling the deepest secrets of the universe. He is an astrophysicist and studies exoplanets orbiting distant stars. In his free time, the super brain also occupied himself with another impenetrable mystery of the galaxy. What is the best way to board a plane? You can read his formula here.

Travel + Leisure

If you're a nervous flier — or perhaps just a curious one — you've probably thought about which seats on a plane are the safest in the event of an accident. And if we're looking at statistics based on past aircraft accidents, there's an answer.

The National Interest

Biden needs to reassure citizens in Taiwan of the unwavering support of the U.S. Our research has shown that U.S. reassurances such as high-level visits and verbal commitments could restore public confidence in the United States.

Science Blog

Most near-Earth-sized planets travel around their host stars on nearly circular orbits, and the more small planets there are orbiting close to a star, the more nearly circular their orbits are. These are just two of many findings based on a major new analysis of data from NASA’s retired Kepler space telescope that focused on detailing exoplanet — planets beyond our solar system — characteristics. The new catalog includes almost 4,400 planets and strong planet candidates, which are still awaiting confirmation, and includes more than 700 systems with multiple planets.

CDC Gaming Reports

Las Vegas is prepared to welcome international high rollers and the jet set when it hosts the Formula One circuit this week, and operators and analysts are excited about what it will mean for the bottom line on a traditionally slow weekend before Thanksgiving and for years to come.


During the 19th Century, the activity of "retro-walking" was little more than an eccentric hobby, but today research is revealing it can have real benefits for your health and brain.


In this interview, exclusive for CounterPunch, professor of Political Science at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas, Nerses Kopalyan, breaks down the Nagorno-Karabakh Conflict. After providing a historical context for the conflict from a political science point of view, he analyzes the ways in which the media unpacks the region and presents historical and contemporary analogs.