Experts In The News

The Boston Globe

After a close race fueled by record outside spending, Catherine Cortez Masto, a Democrat, won the Senate contest in Nevada on Tuesday to become the first Latina senator. She defeated Representative Joe Heck to fill the seat of Senator Harry Reid, the Democratic minority leader, who is retiring after three decades in the Senate. Outside groups spent nearly $90 million on the tight race, but the biggest factor may have been Donald Trump.

Las Vegas Sun

Election Day is anticlimactic for most voters, who can’t wait for the phone calls to cease and the direct mail to stop. Early voting began in Southern Nevada in 1994 as a limited pilot program and was established in Clark County for the 1996 elections. Since 2000, more people in Clark County have voted before Election Day than on Election Day. By 2012, between early voting and absentee voting, 69.3 percent of those in Nevada who voted in the presidential election in 2012 did so before Election Day, an increase from 66.9 percent in 2008.

The Washington Times

Rep. Tammy Duckworth unseated incumbent Republican Sen. Mark Kirk in Illinois on Tuesday night, giving Democrats an early pickup as they seek to wrest control of the upper chamber from the GOP.


A Nevada court judge forcefully denied a request Tuesday from Donald Trump's campaign to direct a county registrar of voters to preserve and segregate ballots from voting machines in four early voting sites in the Las Vegas area where Latino voters showed up in record numbers.


Republican presidential nominee Donald J. Trump won the race to the White House, a victory that will shake the Washington establishment to its very core, writes Newsweek's Matt Cooper.


A Nevada judge was none too pleased when Trump campaign lawyers asked for a list of poll workers’ names today. The poll workers in question had allegedly kept certain polling places in the greater Las Vegas area with high Latino populations open later than planned on early voting nights. The Trump campaign sued to challenge those votes, in the latest of a string of attempts by the GOP to dampen minority turnout at the polls—a timeworn tactic of voter disenfranchisement that’s playing out all over the country, from Nevada to North Carolina. Judge Gloria Sturman convened an emergency hearing, which was live-streamed online. The second the lawyers asked for the names, she was no-nonsense.


Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump has filed a lawsuit against the registrar of voters in Clark County, Nevada, claiming he illegally kept polling places open two hours beyond closing time during early voting on Saturday, CNN reports.

Huffington Post

People seem to hate the pantsuit because it includes, well, pants - which happen to be one of the most controversial garments in women’s clothing.