Experts In The News

Las Vegas Review Journal

Roughly 290 million years before rancher Cliven Bundy brought international attention to the Gold Butte area, an early reptile the size of a baby crocodile left its own lasting impressions there. A team of researchers from UNLV recently announced the discovery of fossilized footprints 60 million years older than the earliest dinosaurs on a slab of sandstone about 115 miles northeast of Las Vegas.

The Globe and Mail

What was the most alarming of all the alarming moments in the unprecedented 2016 presidential campaign? Here’s a possibility: October 19, two-thirds of the way through the third presidential debate in Las Vegas, when Donald Trump, the strangest Republican presidential candidate ever, refused to say whether he would accept the result of the election if he lost.

The Globe and Mail

What was the most alarming of all the alarming moments in the unprecedented 2016 presidential campaign? Here’s a possibility: October 19, two-thirds of the way through the third presidential debate in Las Vegas, when Donald Trump, the strangest Republican presidential candidate ever, refused to say whether he would accept the result of the election if he lost.

K.S.N.V. T.V. News 3

It's the final day before decision 2016. If you're headed to the polls Tuesday, you may want to brush up on your voting etiquette to be on your best ballot box behavior.
This campaign season has been rough. Don't let your election day end up that way too.

Good Magazine

Over the past several years, Hillary Clinton has transformed her signature pantsuit—a loose-fitting jacket that runs to the mid-thigh, paired with lightly tapered pants—into a rallying cry for female empowerment.


As a historian of women and clothing, I see Clinton’s pantsuit – and those who criticize it – as the latest chapter in a long history of people telling women what they can and can’t wear

The Conversation

Over the past several years, Hillary Clinton has transformed her signature pantsuit – a loose fitting jacket that runs to the mid-thigh paired with lightly tapered pants – into a rallying cry for female empowerment. In early October, a pantsuit-clad flash mob popped up in New York City’s Union Square, dancing to a Justin Timberlake song in a show of support for Clinton. And on the Friday before the election, Beyonce and her backup dancers took the stage donning pantsuits during a pro-Clinton concert.

Vegas Seven

Elections, like politicians, have the habit of being both similar and unique. Granting the Orange One’s presence, this election fits both descriptions. Or maybe you haven’t looked up Ross Perot online. Do so, and you’ll see some parallels. But in Nevada, as usual, there’s the usual and the unusual.