Brian Labus In The News

There have been 15 COVID-19-related deaths in Washoe County so far. A third of those deaths are tied to two state-regulated facilities in Reno. KUNR News Director Michelle Billman checks in with Anh Gray, KUNR's public health reporter, for more information about those two outbreaks.
Las Vegas Review Journal
As Nevada enters the second month of the coronavirus shutdown, most residents remain hunkered in their homes and the extent of the economic devastation continues to spread. But we may take solace in the increasing evidence of progress — locally, nationally and worldwide — in the fight against this pandemic.
K.T.N.V. T.V. ABC 13
The Southern Nevada Health District says it will start posting daily summaries of COVID-19 cases by ZIP code and cities in Clark County.
Las Vegas Review Journal
Behind a locked door labeled “Rehabilitation Services” at University Medical Center lies the armory in the hospital’s fight against the spread of the novel coronavirus.
Las Vegas Review Journal
Public health authorities on Monday reported 120 new confirmed cases of COVID-19 and one additional death overnight in Clark County amid signs that the rate of growth of the disease may be slowing both locally and across the state.
CTV News
The handshake has endured for millennia. It has ended wars, sealed deals that have built economies, and forged alliances that have changed the course of history.
Buckle up. You might have heard that fewer Americans may get sick and die from COVID-19 than previously estimated.
Las Vegas Review Journal
The RJ’s Renee Summerour sits down with Epidemiologist and member of the faculty of UNLV’s School of Public Health and the governor’s medical advisory team, Dr. Brian Labus and RJ Health Reporter Mary Hynes for a round-table discussion about questions people have surrounding the Coronavirus pandemic.