Brian Labus In The News

Public health officials strongly encourage people to wash their hands to protect themselves from the coronavirus. However, this virus can survive on metal and plastic for several days, so just adjusting your glasses with unwashed hands can be enough to get infected. That is why the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the World Health Organization have asked everyone to avoid touching their faces.
Nevada Current
Who’s got it and who’s had it? How long has it been around and when will it end?
Las Vegas Review Journal
Medical expects in Southern Nevada will discuss the coronavirus pandemic in a panel Monday morning, which will be livestreamed.
Las Vegas Review Journal
When Dr. Fermin Leguen became the Southern Nevada Health District’s acting chief health officer last fall, nobody could have predicted how recognizable his name would become to Southern Nevadans just months later.
Las Vegas Review Journal
Six weeks into coronavirus testing, Nevada health officials still don’t have enough kits to track the spread of the disease and hopefully slow the outbreak.
The Nevada Independent
On the first day of the third week of the 2019 legislative session, the lawmakers on the Assembly Health and Human Services Committee were finally ready to get to work.
COVID-19, the disease caused by the new coronavirus, might hit people who smoke, vape or have drug addiction problems the hardest, warn experts. The warning comes after the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) stated that smokers are at a higher risk, thanks to their compromised immunity.
New Boston Post
To try to slow the spread of coronavirus, earlier this week Massachusetts Governor Charlie Baker temporarily banned the use of reusable shopping bags. He also mandated that the single-use bags be available to consumers free of charge.