Brian Labus In The News

The ongoing pandemic has people thinking about healthy hygiene in many ways they haven’t before. Four months ago, the person standing two feet behind you in the grocery store wouldn’t have made you anxious. Putting a mask on to go outside was the exception, not the rule. While some of the habits we’re adopting are pandemic-specific, experts say there are certain public health measures we should have been practicing all along.
Las Vegas Review Journal
When those of us who haven’t been on the front lines finally emerge from our homes — staring curiously at new faces for the first time in weeks, many of us clad in sweatpants and pajama bottoms because our work clothes no longer fit — how will we behave?
Las Vegas Sun
As the state moves forward with its multiphase reopening plan, the necessity to track where infected people have been will be just as important as more widespread testing, Las Vegas health experts say.
CardsChat News
Like many medical and scientific professionals, UNLV epidemiologist Brian Labus is hesitant to speak in absolutes. But he is certain that Las Vegas poker rooms will have a difficult time preventing the spread of the coronavirus, regardless of limits to the number of people allowed at a table or any plexiglass barriers.
A new study published in the Canadian Medical Association Journal suggests that the arrival of warm weather probably won’t stop the spread of COVID-19 as had been previously hoped.
Huffington Post
A vaccine is likely our best bet for stopping the spread of COVID-19. But since that’s still likely a long way off, one of a few next-best strategies for slowing the transmission of the coronavirus is contact tracing.
Vegas Inc
Before the coronavirus pandemic, James Swanson’s Las Vegas printing company was busy making advertising wraps that go on buildings and big signs for events like the Electric Daisy Carnival and Life is Beautiful music festivals.
El Tiempo
Every year Brian Ursua builds the same booth at the CES technology convention.