Gwynn Hobbs Grant speaks at a podium
Athletics |
Former UNLV basketball player Gwynn Hobbs Grant encourages Native American youths to create their own success.
Amanda Melilli works with a UNLV faculty member on developing creative activities
Campus News |
Ranking, published in May issue of College and Research Libraries, based on total peer-reviewed academic research articles published by library faculty between 2003 and 2012.
Leslie Fitzsimmons
People |
Building community connections is a focus of this new underwriting director for KUNV Radio.
Solar panels in the Eldorado Valley
Research |
Researchers investigate the environmental footprint of solar facilities to guide future design.
Oriana Galasso
People |
Student worker Oriana Galasso advises HOPE scholars on making the adjustment to UNLV.
Jonathan Baker and colleagues examine stalagmite in a cave
Campus News |
UNLV Ph.D. candidate’s research in Russia challenges widely held understanding of past climate history; study appears in latest issue of top journal Nature Geoscience.
Chong Chen
People |
The UNLV National Supercomputing Institute’s latest hire will help researchers leverage the tremendous capabilities of the Cherry Creek II.
Eshani Lee
Research |
Doctoral candidate Eshani Lee’s research ensures college chemistry knowledge doesn’t get lost in translation.
Poet Heather Winterer reads selections from her book "The Two Standards" during the Black Mountain Institute Alumni Reading Series
Arts and Culture |
Writers will contribute to the cultural landscape at UNLV and the community.
Yoohwan Kim
Business and Community |
New cybersecurity minor paving the way for a new bachelor's in the field — making UNLV one of just a few universities in the nation to offer such a program.
Poster for Clowntown: A Musical
Arts and Culture |
Performances are 2 and 7:30 p.m. May 27, and 2 p.m. May 28. All proceeds benefit the Nevada Conservatory Theatre.
Students turn their tassles at commencement
Campus News |
Celebrate #UNLVGrad moments with this recap of Saturday's festivities.