Barb Roberts
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A first-generation college student, Barb Roberts is UNLV's Administrative Faculty Member of the Year.
UNLV professor Zihui Ma
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From the Silk Road to the Strip, this assistant professor has made a journey of the mind and soul — using the pursuit of happiness as her guide.
UNLV Libraries' Cory Lampert and Silvia Southwick
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A new research tool created by University Libraries helps the world discover more connections among the region’s Jewish community.
Hey Reb Spirit Mark
Campus News |
Modern look celebrates UNLV Athletics’ rich history and tie to Las Vegas; projects steady progression of one of nation’s most recognizable college brands.
Muhammad Ali
Arts and Culture |
Seeing the African-American enclave through the lens of photographer Clinton Wright
ariel view of campus
Business and Community |
UNLV's community engagement office fosters collaboration with entities throughout Southern Nevada for the betterment of both.
View of students walking around campus with FDH in the background
Campus News |
UNLV President Len Jessup; Dan Price, president of design firm Adrenalin; and members of the spirit logo refresh committee will outline the refresh process and unveil the updated mark.
volunteers prepare lunches
Campus News |
Delivering And Serving Hope or DASH is one of the longest running volunteer programs at UNLV and helps provide food to Las Vegas homeless through a partnership with the Las Vegas Rescue Mission.
Len Dessup shakes hands with Jon Huntsman, Sr. with Sen. Harry Reid watching on
Campus News |
Jon Huntsman Sr. gift honors Sen. Harry Reid and will help position UNLV history department as leader in study of the Intermountain West.
The hills of Vinales offered a look at the Cuban countryside.
Business and Community |
Students from the Global Entrepreneurship Experience visit island nation to discover a developing market ripe with opportunities.
Linda Pollard
People |
Following careers in the medical field, she fell in love with numbers, eventually leading to her current job as business manager for UNLV police services.
Gold Butte National Monument Petroglyphs
Business and Community |
Sociology-based program connects students to community issues and social justice causes.