Maria Barton
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Maria Barton, the Allied Health Sciences Alumna of the Year, finds the payoff in helping others.
Holly Lyman
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Holly Lyman, the Community Health Sciences Alumna of the Year, builds a Dragon boating tradition to fight cancer.
Tim Bavington poses in his studio
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Fine Arts Alumnus of the Year Tim Bavington on representing the Las Vegas art scene.
Theodore Garland Jr.
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College of Sciences Alumnus of the Year Theodore Garland has taught across the globe.
Daron Dorsey
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Former golf team member Daron Dorsey named the Boyd School of Law Alumnus of the Year.
Kathy (Clark) Dyke
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Las Vegas set the stage for the career of Kathy Dyke, the Hotel Administration Alumna of the Year.
Lisa Danielson overlooks the lobby of the Beam Engineering building
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The career of Lisa Danielson, the Graduate College Alumna of the Year, took off like a rocket after UNLV.
Tina Kunzer-Murphy
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Tina Kunzer-Murphy, the College of Education's Alumna of the Year, rose from being a student-athlete to leading all of them.
Dr. Cody Hughes
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Dr. Cody Hughes, the School of Dental Medicine's Alumnus of the Year, returns to serve its pediatric program.
Suresh Vishnubhatla
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College of Engineering Alumnus of the Year Suresh Vishnubhatla crosses continents to find his academic home.
Sheetal Survase
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This academic advisor says a key to success is to realize that success is something you can't achieve by yourself.
Rohan Jadav
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