Image of an eclipse
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Get ready for the sun to go dark during the day, but don't grab your shades. UNLV astrophysicist Jason Steffen on being humbled by the universe.
Liz Kahane
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This development professional is dedicated to helping UNLV’s graduate students get a life-changing education.
A student and faculty member examine an experiment under magnification.
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McNair/AANAPISI programs for low-income, first-generation students matches undergrads with faculty mentors that share their focus and goals.
Children on a playground
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Ninth annual check of state’s entering kindergartners showed more have health insurance, yet barriers to health care access still exist.
Students in theater
Campus News |
Step into the world of YES, where high school students meet team UNLV through project-based mentoring and a case-study analysis of the top industry right their backyards.
man in suit standing
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Taking the easy route isn’t in this former Marine’s nature.
A law professor and legal professionals consult with a client.
Business and Community |
Annual event will focus on five key reforms in guardianship law, as well as address estate planning.
Group of indigenous women
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Drawing on community partnerships developed with Yup’ik Eskimo villagers, a new book combines research with indigenous perspectives to create a comprehensive understanding of colonialism in Alaska.
Portrait of Grant Kurosu, web communications specialist in office.
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This alum wants to help UNLV continue to develop first-class websites worthy of a Top Tier university.
Shakeria Hawkins
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Student-produced show Rebel Report wins an Emmy Award while its student reporters go on to land jobs.
Flor Cardona
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President’s 2017 Classified Employee of the Year Flor Cardona says she is living the American dream
Milton Bradley & Co. lithograph
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Research connects the material legacy of gambling in the Renaissance with contemporary board and card games.