Erika G. Abad (Interdisciplinary, Gender and Ethnic Studies) was invited to write a brief on being an Aca-Fan at ClexaCon for Media Res.
Blanca E. Rincón (Educational Psychology & Higher Education) published "Does Latinx Representation Matter for Latinx Student Retention in STEM?" in the American Association of Hispanics in Higher Education's (AAHE) Journal of Hispanic Higher Education. Using student-level data, this study explores the relationship between Latinx…
Anthony Jordan (’18 Ph.D. Political Science) and John P. Tuman (Political Science) published an article titled "Explaining Expulsions of U.S. Diplomatic Personnel from Latin America, 1991-2016," in Latin America Policy, volume 9, no. 2, 2018.
Eric Morrow (Housing & Residential Life) was recognized as "Professional Staff Member of The Month" in November 2018 by the National Association of College and University Residence Halls. After earning this honor at the regional level in October, Eric was selected for the national honor by a committee of student leaders from…
Merrill Landers (Physical Therapy), James Navalta (Kinesiology and Nutrition Sciences), and Jefferson Kinney (Psychology) co-authored “A High-Intensity Exercise Boot Camp for Persons With Parkinson Disease: A Phase II, Pragmatic, Randomized Clinical Trial of Feasibility, Safety, Signal of Efficacy, and Disease Mechanisms.” The investigators of…
Kevin Wright, program coordinator for the black/African American community in the Office of Student Diversity and Social Justice, served as a panelist for a webinar hosted by the Graduate Students and New Professionals Community of Practice under the American College Personnel Association and of the National Association for Student Personnel…
John Mercer (Kinesiology & Nutrition Sciences) presented “Physics and Physiology of Endurance Performance” at Kyushu University, Japan, which tied anecdotal and empirical data regarding endurance performance in swimming, biking, and running. Kyushu University undergraduate and graduate students, as well as faculty members, attended the…
Ranita Ray and Korey Tillman (both Sociology) recently published an article, "Envisioning a Feminist Urban Ethnography: Structure, Culture, and New Directions in Poverty Studies" in the journal Sociology Compass. Tillman is a graduate student.
David G. Schwartz (Center for Gaming Research) accepted an invitation to join the European Science Foundation's College of Expert Reviewers. Because of his record of outstanding scholarship and strong credentials in the history of gaming, gambling, and games, he was asked to assist the foundation in its mission of facilitating research…

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