Frank Cucinotta (Health Physics and Diagnostic Sciences) co-authored five articles that recently appeared in peer-reviewed journals. Three of the studies revealed important findings about the age dependence of impaired cognition during radiation treatment of brain cancers; defined a new international standard to format various types of DNA damage…
Kathleen Lauckner (Community Health and Public Policy and Leadership) was chosen to be a guest lecturer for her alma mater's new Stockton University campus in Atlantic City, New Jersey. She presented a session titled “Engaging Communities and Stakeholders”  for the executive Ed.D organization leadership program. This opportunity allowed her…
David Forman (Philosophy) published an essay, "Leibniz on Human Finitude, Progress, and Eternal Recurrence," in Oxford Studies in Early Modern Philosophy from Oxford University Press.
Student Union & Event Services (Student Affairs) and UNLV have been recognized as a "Top Pick College and University in the US Mountain Region” by Unique Venues. Unique Venues markets conference and event services nationally. UNLV and SUES were recognized as a premier location to partner with for events, conference housing, intern housing, and…
Iman Ansari's (Architecture) work is a part of a new exhibition, the Impermanent Collection, at A+D Museum in Los Angeles. The impermanent collection is the A+D’s translation of a museum shop. It was conceived of as a means of creating a space where the lines between art and commodity can be blurred and dabbled with. The…
Alan Simmons (Anthropology), along with A. Jadjikoumis, J-D Vigne,  J. Guilaine, D. Fiorillo, and M. Balasse, published "Autumn/Winter Births in Traditional and Pre-Pottery Neolithic Caprine Husbandry in Cyprus:  Evidence from Ethnography and Stable Isotopes" in the Journal of Anthropological Archaeology.
Marina Georgieva (Libraries) is the author of "The digital librarian: the liaison between digital collections and digital preservation", which was published on the Digital Library Federation website. 
James Navalta and Jack Young (Kinesiology and Nutrition Sciences), along with Mihaela Ciulei and colleagues from Brazil, recently published an article in Gazetta Medica Italiana—Archivio per le Scienze Mediche. "Global DNA methylation is stable across time and following acute exercise" appears in the December issue. They report that…
Courtney Coughenour, Timothy J. Bungum and graduate student M. Nikki Regalado (Community Health Sciences) authored an article in the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health titled: "Healthy Food Options at Dollar Discount Stores Are Equivalent in Quality and Lower in Price Compared to Grocery Stores: An…

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