Claire Tredwell (Preschool) has been honored with the Rose C. Engel Award for Excellence in Professional Practice by the Division of Early Childhood (DEC) of the Council for Exceptional Children, recognizing her leadership, ethical standards and excellence of work. This national award is presented to professionals who have made…
Ashley Schobert (Law and Brookings Mountain West) recently wrote a report with Brookings Senior Fellow Richard Reeves titled "Elite or Elitist? Lessons for Colleges from Selective High Schools." In the report, the pair present data that show how selective high schools are racially unrepresentative of the districts they are located in, and…
Kimberly Tomas and Soumya Upadhyay (Health Care Administration & Policy) presented at the 2019 Academy Health annual research meeting in Washington, D.C., in June. Their poster presentations were titled:  The Impact of Patient-Provider Communication and Electronic Cigarette Harmfulness: the Role of Race/Ethnicity…
Dr. David Winn, Dr. Justin Yeung, and Dr. David Kuykendall (all Medicine) were awarded first place for their research poster at the Nevada Academy of Family Physicians Annual Summer Meeting.  The title of their poster was "Hydrocephalus Induced by Immune Reconstitution Syndrome." All three are family medicine physicians.  …
Won-Yong Oh (Management, Entrepreneurship and Technology) and his co-authors' article, "Transpitality: How Autonomous Driving Technology Will Reshape the Industry Landscape," appeared in the European Business Review, a UK-based leading business magazine. This article shows how autonomous driving technology will disrupt several related industries,…
Tevfik Demirciftci and Amanda Belarmino (both Hospitality) presented "Stars, Diamonds, and Trophies: Are User Generated Star Ratings More Impactful Than Magazine Awards on Guest Willingness-To-Pay?"at the 2019 ICHRIE (International Council on Hotel, Restaurant, and Institutional Education) Conference in New Orleans.
Dr. Rachelle Davidowitz (Dental) recently published her manuscript "Salivary Screening for Selenomonas Noxia in the Oral Cavity of Pediatric Patients" with Dr. Katherine Howard and Dr. Karl Kingsley (both Dental) in the inaugural issue of Current Dental Research Journal. Davidowitz is a pediatric dental resident.
Tyler D. Parry (Interdisciplinary, Gender, and Ethnic Studies) was part of a panel discussion, "Is Trump a Racist?" for the news show CrossTalk produced by Russia Today TV.  He is a new assistant professor for the African American and African Diaspora Studies program. 
Rebecca Gill (Political Science) and her colleague Adam Feldman (Empirical SCOTUS) have published an article, "Power Dynamics in Supreme Court Oral Arguments: The Relationship between Gender and Justice-to-Justice Interruptions," in Justice System Journal. In this article, the authors examine how gendered norms of professional…

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