Ashkan Salamat (Physics and Astronomy), Paul Forster, Frederic Poineau, and Keith Lawler (all Chemistry and Biochemistry) were awarded a $449,901 research grant from the National Science Foundation for "Expanding Known Binary Technetium Nitrides and Sulfides: A Computationally-Led Synthesis Program." Technetium is a radioactive element…
Rebeka D'Amato, Priscilla Gutierrez, Chelsea Heinbach, Bibiana Lopez, Eduardo Martinez-Flores, Rosan Mitola, David Ramos-Candelas, and Amy Tureen (all Libraries) recently had work featured at the IDEAL '19 Advancing Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, and Accessibility in Library & Archives conference presented by The Ohio State University…
Eshaan Vakil (Brookings Mountain West) recently was selected to present his summer internship research on "State and Local Per Pupil Funding for Higher Education in the Mountain West States" at UNLV's Summer 2019 Undergraduate Research Symposium. Vakil, a Clark High School student and Brookings summer intern, conducted research analyzing changes…
Rian Satterwhite (Service Learning and Leadership) recently completed his third time as facilitator for the International Leadership Association's Leadership Education Academy, an initiative that he helped found in 2015. The academy was created as an intensive professional development experience for people engaged in leadership education, …
Jean Munson (WRIN) returned home this month from attending the Girls Leadership Power Collaborative on scholarship as a program manager of the National Education of Women's Leadership. She was able to participate and learn about the latest research on the world of learning for women and girls, explore what it means to be a culturally…
Robert Levrant and Toniann DeSousa (both Osher Lifelong Learning Institute) presented "Enhancing the Volunteer Experience to Meet Programmatic Outcomes" at the 2019 Southern Regional Conference on Learning in Retirement in Wilmington, North Carolina.
Erika Engstrom (Communication Studies) presented "Discretion and Despair: Considering Civil Religion and Hulu's The Handmaid's Tale" at the annual conference of the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, Toronto. She examined the elements of civil religion — rituals and symbols of American public life — as portrayed…
The UNLV CARE Advocate Training program (Women's Center) recently received national advocate credentialing through the National Organization for Victim Assistance. The benefits of credentialing include enhanced recognition, credibility, and mobility in the victim assistance field, and professional identification within victim services. The…
Dr. Christina Demopoulos (Dental) accepted an invitation to present an integrated approach for promoting the HPV vaccine in a health care setting during the annual Texas Oral Health Conference in Austin. After the presentation, she received invitations to discuss the same topic during two national webinars. Demopoulos has been researching the…

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