Elizabeth Stacy and Tomoko Sakishima (both Life Sciences) have written a paper with coauthors Neil Snow of Pittsburgh State University and Heaven Tharp, an undergraduate student at the University of Hawaii, that recently was accepted for publication in the Journal of Heredity's Symposium Issue, "Origins of Adaptive Radiation." This issue…
Paula Frew, Laura Randall, and Vincent Fenimore (all Environmental and Occupational Health), along Ian Holloway of UCLA, have had their research published in The Archives of Sexual Behavior. The title of the article is "Concomitant Utilization of Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) and Meningococcal Vaccine (MenACWY) Among Gay, Bisexual, and…
Christopher Cain (Hospitality), Nancy Lough (Educational Psychology and Higher Education), and Lisa Cain, '15 PhD Hospitality Administration, recently published their paper "Exploring Strategies to Improve Gender Equity in a Masculinized Field of Study" in the Journal of Hospitality, Leisure, Sport & Tourism Education. The study sought to…
Shane W. Kraus (Psychology) and his colleagues recently published a paper, "It All Adds Up: Addressing the Roles of Cumulative Traumatic Experiences on Military Veterans," in the Journal of Child Abuse and Neglect.
Susan Byrne (World Languages and Cultures) presented a paper titled "Poetry in Prose: de buenas a bellas letras" during the conference El poder de la palabra poética en España y el Nuevo Mundo, the 14th Biennial Conference of the Society for Renaissance and Baroque Hispanic Poetry held at the University of California, Irvine, earlier…
Katrina Liu (Teaching & Learning) and Richard Miller (Music) gave an invited presentation at the Race, Inequality and Language conference at Stanford University earlier this month. Their presentation, titled "Reflection, Transformative Praxis & Generative Change: Critical Counter-Narrative in Preparing Future Teachers of Color," is part of…
Su Kim Chung (Libraries) chaired a session, "Glitter in the Dust: The Transformation of Nevada", at the Western History Association 59th Annual Conference in Las Vegas earlier this month. 
Christopher Kearney (Psychology) recently presented a keynote address at the inaugural conference of the International Network for School Attendance in Oslo, Norway.  The address, "A Bird's-Eye View of School Attendance and Absenteeism: Moving from Fragmentation to Reconstruction," involved a comprehensive overview of school attendance and…
Cory Lampert (Libraries) was a member of a panel, "Digital Double Bind?: Exploring the Impact of More Product, Less Process (MPLP) on Digital Collections," at the Digital Library Federation 2019 Forum in Tampa, Florida. 

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