Angela Amar (Nursing) and Kathryn Laughon (University of Virginia) recently published "Gender Violence Prevention in Middle School Male Athletics Programs" in JAMA Pediatrics. Dean Amar was invited to provide expert commentary on the effectiveness of a community-level strategy for relationship and sexual violence prevention.    
Richard Zwiercan (Libraries) had a work of art selected for the juried group art exhibition, Existing in Thought, which will be on display at the Winchester Cultural Center Gallery in Las Vegas through Feb. 6. 
Iesha Jackson (Teaching & Learning), Doris L. Watson, Tara Plachowski (both Educational Psychology & Higher Education), Marcia Gallo (History), and Claytee White (Oral History Research Center) have been awarded a research grant from the Branch Alliance for Educator Diversity for a study titled, Digging Deep and…
Dr. David Glenn Weismiller (Medicine), was an invited speaker at the 3rd Emirates Family Medicine Society Congress held earlier this month in Dubai. One of his presentations was a plenary session on quaternary prevention titled "Choosing Wisely - First, Doing No Harm." The presentation focused on the Choosing Wisely initiative of the ABIM…
Erika Engstrom (Communication Studies) and Gary Larson (Journalism and Media Studies) are co-authors of "Audio and Video Journalism" in Convergent Journalism, An Introduction: Writing and Producing Across Media, third edition, newly published by Taylor and Francis. 
Marina Garber-Colacicchi (World Languages and Cultures) received a 2019 Ernest Hemingway Award in the poetry category. The award is issued by The New World literary magazine based in Toronto, Canada.
Amy Reed-Sandoval (Philosophy) has published a book, Socially Undocumented: Identity and Immigration Justice, with Oxford University Press.
Ruben J. Garcia (Law) will speak at the launch event for the Clean Slate for Worker Power Report in Cambridge, Massachusetts later this month. The report, issued by Harvard Law School and the Harvard Labor and Worklife Program, is the product of two years of work among academics, attorneys, and labor advocates to re-envision labor law on a…
Neeraj Bhandari (Health Care Administration and Policy) recently published an article on "Consumer Use of Provider Quality Report Cards: The Role of Dissemination and Media Coverage" in the journal Medical Care.  The objective of this study was to measure the dissemination of comparative provider quality…

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